CandleBrite's Cuz I'm Worth It
"CC" was bred by Lisa Pauls of CandleBrite Poms. She was a 4.1lb free whelper, even of 5oz puppies! She gave us three litters of 3 and a litter of 2. She has been a great mother and a good producer for us. CC also earned 9 points (out of 10) towards her Canadian championship before coming to live in the US.
"CC" was a fantastic producer for us. Amazingly out of her 10 surviving offspring, two are champions, including a group and specialty winning son, and another FOUR are pointed or major pointed. We would like to see CC someday earn her much-deserved ROM.
Sadly we lost CC in February 2006 following the birth of her 4th litter. Much too soon to lose a girl of her caliber. We will miss her always, as she was Bill's favorite lap warmer, but her legacy will live on in her sons and daughters here at Razzle Dazzle.
CC's first two litters were co-bred with her breeder, Lisa Pauls.
Razzle Dazzle Jazz Singer (both majors) | x BIS Am/Can Ch. Chriscendo Call to Arms ROMX
| Razzle Dazzle Sound of Music (singled out)
| Razzle Dazzle Philharmonic | (sadly we lost Phillip)
Razzle Dazzle Two to Tango (pointed) | x BIS Can/Am Ch. Razzle Dazzle Hat Dance
| Razzle Dazzle Ready to Rhumba (major pointed - now in Ukraine)
| BISS Ch. Razzle Dazzle Heavenly Choir | x BIS Can/Am Ch. Razzle Dazzle Hat Dance
| Razzle Dazzle Choir of Angels
| Ch. Razzle Dazzle Hallelujah Chorus
| Razzle Dazzle New Age Music | x BIS Can/Am Ch. Razzle Dazzle Hat Dance
| Razzle Dazzle Waltzing Matilda
| Razzle Dazzle Moonlight Serenade
| |
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