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Character Creation


Light Sleeper(1pt merit)
You function well on 4 hours sleep. More sleep is welcome, but if you need, you will suffer less than other mortals might. If something happens during your slumber, you're more likely to awaken quickly.

Loyalty(1pt Merit)
You're sworn, loyal and devoted to some person, group or cause. This bond always you to resist any form of temptation or coercion that could lead you to betray your trust or oath. Especially nasty forms of "persuastion" (torture, Mind magic, vampiric Dominance, etc) are harder to shake, but you get a bonus to your Willpower

Soothing Voice(1pt Merit)
Your voice is calm and soothing, almost entrancing.

Burning Aura(2pt Merit)
Your aura, no matter what its color, is unusually brilliant. To those who can see this "inner light", you stand out like a beacon burning with a magical fire. Even people who can't see auras feel drawn to your side. Some supernatural entities find people like you intriguing; others consider you a threat

Hideaway(2pt Merit)
You have a special hiding place that no one knows about--a house, cottage, a nicely furbished cave, etc.

Clear sighted(3pt Merit)
Illusions do not fool you. This vision may be a supernatural gift, an inborn insight or practiced skill. Vampiric Obfuscation, Chimierstry and other Disciplines or gifts that deceive most observers won't work as well as they should with you

Fairie Companion(3pt Merit)
You have a fairie companion, a friend and associate who's one of the Kindly Ones--the changelings. His teachings allow you to learn Abilities like Kenning and Mythlore. In a real emergency, your friend may even hide you away in his Freehold for a time. Beware of this offer, however. One never knows the truth behind such refuge, and the price for the trip could be steep indeed

Lucky(3pt Merit)
The luck of the saints (or the Devil) follows you. Three times per story, you can use this.

NightSight(3pt Merit)
You can see in near total darkness. So long as some light source exists, your vision remain acute. Bright lights especially sudden ones, dazzle you for a turn or so.

"Special Friend"(3pt Merit)
You've got a friend--a supernatural one. Perhaps a werecat, True Mage, vampire, ghost, etc. Whatever she may be, she isn't "normal" company, and her tastes run to dark pursuits.
Chances are, your friend isn't telling you much about her kind; you might acquire a dot or two in the appropriate from her tales, but that's about all. Still, you are there for each other; she'll watch your back if you watch hers.

Unbondable(3pt Merit/6pts for Ghouls)
Vampire blood cannot control your will. No matter how much of it you consume, the dreaded Blood Bond won't take you down.

Fae Blood(4pt Merit)
Though not a changeling, you've got their heritage running through your veins--literally. Faerie blood allows you to walk in the Dreaming as if you were fae yourself; while this exposes you to chimerical attack, it also opens you to a new and wonderous world.
In fae terms, you're kinain, a human with some innate Glamour who can learn limited cantrips fueled by her own power. Your presence is often welcome in the courts of the fae.

Iron Will(4 pt Merit)
Once your mind is made up, nothing short of a sledgehammer can change it. This merit allows you to resist the effects of vampiric Domination, Mind Magick or other coercive mental attacks. Does nothing to deflect mental trauma or deception, but makes it damn hard for someone to mind control you.
If a mage or vampire of your approximate level tries to turn your head around, however, you can consider yourself immune.

Precognition(4pt Merit)
You occasionally have glimpses of the future. Although such visions are beyond your control, you may try to "summon" one by entering a trance and attuning yourself to your fate. Visions often strike without warning and are not always pleasant to receive.

Prophetic Ability(4pt Merit)
The Highers Powers speak to you in signs, visions, and images. Some may speak of the future, clues to existing mysteries, or reveal hidden facts. You cannot control them and may not even want them. Some messages will be crystal clear, some obscure.

Shapechanger(4pt Merit)
You are closely related to one of Gaia's Chosen, a werewolf, -cat, -raven, -bear, etc. You will probably claim some degree of affection from your relative's tribe and some animousity from their enemies. Highly prized breeds as breeding stock, mortal relatives of the Corax, Bastet, and Gurahl are so rare that their benevolent cousins often go overboard when protecting them--to the extent of forbidding them at claw's length from doing something dangerous!

Immortal(5/7pt Merit)
Through some form of magic, you have the potential to live hundreds of years. This Merit's stronger version protects you from almost any form of death--save one--that does not destroy your body entirely. If your corpse can rise again, it will; the fatal damage or disease will slowly repair itself at the normal rate of healing. If some disaster annihilates your body, that's it, you're dead. The final doom must be selected ahead of time, must be fairly common. Getting your head chopped off, being stung to death by insects, being frozen to death, being killed by a woman, etc.

Ghoul(5pt Merit)
At some point, a vampire fed you some of her blood, possibly bonding you. Somehow you broke free, but the blood's force has granted you some of your mistress' power.
But you must fed on vampire blood occasionally or you lose all your powers and disciplines which include aging slowly, strength, more resistant to damage and healing abilities.

Path Natural(5pt Merit)
You are a natural at some mystical Path. You have an affinity to one type of magic. You pick it up quickly with no real studying or effort. The favored path must be chosen during creation and this Merit can only be bought once.

Spirit Guide(5pt Merit)
You are aided in your magical journey by a spirit guide. The guide's nature depends on your magical society. A Uzoma sorcerer would recognize one of the orishas, while a Hermetic wizard would claim assistance from an angelic entity. Help with probleming solving, deliver brief messages, or take some action restoring a Health Level or two to sorcerer. (Usually only once a story on the Health).

Totem5 pt Merit
A great spirit smiles on you. Very few mortals receive such honors, and you may be asked to return the favor in kind or possibly even greater services.

Compulsive Speech(1-2pt Flaw)
You talked too damn much and too freely. 1pt occasionally speaking out of turn and among equals and inferiors. 2pt makes you rude towards everyone regardless or their relationship to you.

Echoes(1-5 pt Flaw)
1pt--Very minor. Slight manifestations of no real consequence. Milk sours in your presence, bread will not rise, a slight scent of sulfur follows in your wake.
2pt--Mild. The echoes become inconvenient. Dogs growl and horses sweat when you're around. Your gaze causes flowers to sag; you must be invited into a house, and cannot enter without some kind of welcome.
3pt--Noticeable. To a trained occultist, you're pretty obvious. Religious symbols distract you, holy ground repulses you, church bells break your concentration, the wind blows cold when you pass.
4pt--Distracting. You begin to stand out, even among normal folk. Your powers may be disturbed by people who understand folk "counterspells" like prayers and warding signs, you cannot pass a hex symbol, a line of salt, or a holy threshold; your shadow moves of its own, you do not cast reflections in silvered glass.
5pt--Severe. Reality shifts when you're around, even when you don't want it to. You will not sink into water; psychically sensitive people may go into fits or convulsions when nearby; animals feel your presence, small ones may even drop dead; a person who knows folk cures can harm you by casting salt in your face, driving nails into your footprints, burning a lock of your hair, etc.

Rival(1-5pt Flaw)
1pt--An equally matched rival who rarely shows up
2pt--Rival is slightly more powerful than you
3pt--Rival is considerly more powerful than you
+1--Rival shows up frequently
+1--Rival doesn't just want to unseat you. He wants you dead

Supernatural Enemy(1-5pt Flaw
You pissed off someone powerful--a vampire, werewolf, True Mage, demon, etc. He won't show up every story, but will make trouble for you and yours on a fairly regular basis. This Flaw works like the Rival Trait; the more powerful the enemy, or the more frequent his appearance, the more your Flaw is worth.

Hero Worship(1pt Flaw)
You regard someone else with almost reverant respect. He or she can do no wrong as far as you're concerned.

Isolated Upbringing(1pt Flaw)
You were born and raised entirely within a sorcerous community, and don't really understand the outside world.

Offensive to Animals(1pt Flaw)
For some reason, animals are uneasy in your presence and cringe from your touch.

Otherworldly Taint(2pt Flaw)
Something about you just isn't right. Perhaps you have white hair at a young age, or you're unusually tall. You've got some feature or mystique that other people considering disturbing.

Aging(3pt Flaw)
You aren't as young as you used to be, any one Physical Attribute must be lowered by one point. This Flaw may be taken once per decade after the age of 40.

Gesa(3/5/7pt Flaw)
Gesa is technically a phrase from the Celtic tradition. A gesa is a taboo or mandate that cannot be disobeyed without some serious consequences. Often bestowed during magical initiation, it lasts a lifetime. The terms--often delivered by a prophet, priest, midwife or supernatural agent--are clear from the beginning. Disobeying a gesa is a deliberate act and doing so is punished accordingly. Some are simple commandments, ie, she must always accept a drink or must always give away gifts she receives. Others are taboos--may not eat a certain type of meat or cannot go without shoes, even in bed.
Violating a gesa ends in catastrophe. It might fall on you immediately or over time. Could effect you or a loved one. Cause all your magic workings to fail. This Flaw can be purchased more than once, but doing so is not a good idea.
3pts--A commandment or taboo unlikely to be broken. May never run naked through the rain under a full moon.
5pts--Likely to be broken. May never run naked through the rain.
5pts--Easily be broken. May never run through the rain.

Bound(5pt Flaw)
You owe someone big time. And he is a tough collector. A demon, spirit, vengeful ghost, an angel. In exchange for some bargain, a powerful entity offered you something. Now you owe him--or her, or it a very big favor.

Path Inept(5pt Flaw)
You suck at a certain magic. To take this, choose one Path your char plans on studying. The cost is one quarter more experience pts than normal to advance. Example it may cost 18pts instead of 14 to rise from Level 2 to 3 in Ephemera. Can only be taken once and must be chosen during character creation.

(Sorcerer 65-73)


Cop, detective, professor, lawgiver, enforcer, soldier
Dancer, painter, actor/actress, storyteller, musician
Conspiracy Theorist, mail-order teacher, fake psychic, eccentric millionaire
Cultist, fanatic, ascetic, monk, clergyman, nun, priest(ess)
Recluse, sage, antiquarian, shut-in, holy person
Babbling madman, mystery seeker, neo-pagan, wise man, martial artist, ancestral witch, parapsychologist
Criminal, hooker, untouchable, drifter, street person, exile, idiot savant
Metaphysician, ancient scholar, street poet, dreamer
Punker, goth, "baby witch", hip hopper, raver, medievalist, metal-head, rasta, gypsy, hippie, urban cowboy
Teacher, lore keeper, intense student, forsaken professor, shunned pupil of unhallowed arts
Renunciate, spiritualist, shaman, searcher, mad genius

(Sorcerer 74)


You are so good at whatever you do that people can't help but be impressed.
You left behind someone or very something important to you.
A very wise and learned person.
Sensation is like a drug to you. You revel in everything you do and everything you feel.
In the service of another entity. A god, angel, spirit or demon. You're a loyal follower of your Otherworldly patron. Your duty may be secret.
You never miss a chance to either espouse your theory, or to concoct a new one that fits in with your existing ideas. This Archetype assumes a character with some wild, esoteric philosophy and the means to prove it, if only in his own mind.


New Talents
Novice: You can remember a previous dream with some detail.
Practiced: You can "will" yourself into a certain kind of dream
Competent: You have limited control over your own dreams
Expert: Dreams are a familiar territory; you journey there to gather hints from your inner self
Master: Dreams sometimes seem more real than the waking world.

Novice: Divination is a pastime to you. One form (Tarot, astrology, etc.) works well for you.
Practiced: You're pretty good with your chosen style and can make a few accurate observations about the average client
Competent: You understand a few different forms and can dredge up some surprising revelations
Expert: You're familiar with all of the major forms of divination and understand a few obscure styles, too. With the right tools, you can make fairly clear pronouncements and observations
Master: Gypsies take lessons from you.

Novice: You've got good instincts
Practiced: Follow your nose--it's often right
Competent: The game's afoot, and you know where
Expert: You know something's wrong, and can often figure out where and why
Master: It's frightening the things you know without asking

New Skills
Novice: You know how to use the local library
Practiced: With web access, you can tap extensive reference services
Competent: You can access many private collections and privileged archives
Expert: Given time, you can locate whatever information you need
Master: If it's written, encoded or spoken, you know where to look for it

New Knowledges
Hearth Wisdom
Insightful: You've learned a few bits of lore here and there
Clever: You recognize traces of the supernatural where others don't
Knowledgeable: People come to you for advice and minor cures. Your body of knowledge now includes a few gleanings from other cultures
Learned: You are a fountain of lore from your own culture and others as well. You can spot a supernatural being if you get close enough and you know its weaknesses
Wise: You are well-versed in folklore from across the world, and have many insights on lore from your own culture. People from across the world make pilgrimages to meet with you for counsel

Student: You've read a myth here and there
College: You understand the meaning behind a few common myths
Masters: You're well-versed in the content and symbolism of many mythologies
Doctorate: You understand oft-unseen patterns
Scholar: Joseph Campbell

Lore: Magical Societies
Novice: You know a few names or ideas
College: You've learned a few unusual details of interest
Masters: You're well-versed in the history of magical societies in general
Doctorate: You know as much about these societies as their own members do
Scholar: You know all there is to know (0r do you think)

Lore: Supernatural Creatures
Novice: "I've heard vampires have an organized society."
College: "Um, the vampires all belong to some clan called 'Camarilla'".
Masters: "The Kindred divide themselves into warring factions called Camarilla and Sabbat."
Doctorate: "Kindred clans go by many names. Shall I explain them to you?"

Scholar: "Funny, you don't look like a Brujah..."

A number of disciplines fall within this category:
Gematria: Method of divining hidden meaning from names and words
Sacred Geometry: The method of divining secret knowledge from the dimensions and shapes of man-made or natural structures

Novice: You understand very basic concepts
College: You've had some instruction in the field
Masters: You've got a comprehensive grasp of the discipline
Doctorate: You know things that are not written
Scholar: You are a master of things hidden and arcane lore

Masters of the mystic arts can hide in plain sight. Shadows seem to slide around them; crowds seem to swallow them; their faces seem to blend into a haze of barely-recognizable features. Birth records get lost. Pictures blur. Papers mysteriously misfiled.
**A face quickly forgotten
***A master of misdirection
****A needle in a haystack

Familiar (Lesser)
A special helpmate, a minor spirit or odd animal that walks beside you, advises and sometimes protects you. You sent out a mystic call and this being answered. A talking cat, a sinister raven, a prankish imp, invisible servant or some other weird yet intelligent aide. These creatures are rarely subsubservient, often rude and always independent.
The spirit's demands will be simple: respect, shelter, food, attention and the occasional treat.
*Weak familiar--a talking cat, rabbit, or raven with one or two occult skills
**Minor Spirit--a small animal with exceptional savvy and occult knowledge
***Average familiar--a large, smart animal (wolf, horse, bear), a supernatural creature (imp, unseen spirit), or a small beast with amazing lore and skill
****Strong familiar--an animal (of any natural size) or obvious spirit with one or two magical talents in addition to its extensive knowledge and skill
*****Powerful spirit--a creature with Otherworldly contacts, exceptional knowledge and three or four supernatural powers

Such resources include books, scrolls, friends who know alot of folklore, computer, etc.
*A collection of New-Age paperbacks
**A few notable works and lots of superficial stuff
***A handful of rare books and ancient books, and vast mundane resources
****An impressive collection of occult and mortal lore
*****A horde of lost secrets, a sea of common wisdom

Some artifact of supernatural origin. It may be a minor relic or even a magickal talisman. You have some item with obvious oocult overtones: a rune-inscribed dagger, a box of black candles, an ancient brass chime, etc. When you perform some incantation or simple action, the relic sets a weird event in motion; the chime sends everyone in the room into a trance, the dagger bursts into flames, the candles chase ghosts away, etc.
*A minor relic
**A useful relic
***An item of significant power
****A legendary object of great value
*****An artifact of incredible power

From the poverty line to vast riches. This background assumes you have an "allowance". You should determine where this comes from.
*Small savings. An apartment and a small car, perhaps. Liquidated, you'll get roughly $1000. Allowance: $500 a month.
**Middle class. You've got a small place to call your own. If sold, your property would net you about $8000. Allowance: $1200 a month
***Large savings. You've got a house, one or two cars and some property. If liquidated, you'd have about $50,000. Allowance: $3,000 a month
****Well off. That big house in the woods belongs to you, and that collection of occult artifacts is worth a good deal. If sold, they would yield about $5 mil. Allowance: $9,000 a month
*****Rich. You've got your own mansion, a private tower, a fleet of cars, and a trove of occult knickknacks and lore. If (gods forbid) you should suffer misfortune, you could still net at least $5 mil in cash. Allowance: $30,000 a month

This background grants you a secret workshop of some size, stocked with the necessary tools and materials. Although hidden from the mortal world, this Sanctuary exists in the material world.
*A small area, roughly a basement-sized, stocked with a few essential items. Arcane rating: 1
**A decent space, the size of a large backyard, it contains a number of useful tools and ingredients kept in easy reach. Arcane rating: 1
***A spacious area, the size of a small house; its stocked with food, a good selection of tools and materials and a small reference library. Arcane rating: 2
****You're the envy of your associates; a mansion-sized space contains enough esoteric materials, occult works and ritual spaces to host a small active coven. Arcane rating: 2
*****A tower, small castle or large manor house holds your trove--anything short of the virtually impossible is within reach. You'll still have to leave the nest to acquire really esoteric materials (dragon's blood, unique grimoires, etc), but almost everything else is right where you need it

You've got respect in occult circles. For whatever reason--birthright, social standing, affiliations, personal achievements, etc. You aren't necessarily liked but you are defered to. At this higher level, the spirits know you too.
*The sorcerer's apprentice
**David Copperfield
***Isacc Bonewits
****Timothy Hunter
*****John Constantine
