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Vol 4, Issue 2                                                4th QUARTER, 2005

What The Black Doll-E-Zine Readers are Saying:

"Hi Deb...thanks for the announcement/update!
Of course, I rushed right to it and through it! <G>  I especially enjoyed the Doll News page because of the convention info and will have to "visit" it again.  Nice photos...of course I'm always wishin' for more! <G>
I forwarded your note to the list...and a couple of friends.  Good job (again)!
Take care!


“Congratulations, Debbie, on another wonderful, informative issue. I just read it from first word to last and it is "da bomb". Good luck and God's blessings to you on your continued efforts.


Always Blessed,
Ruth M.”

“Debbie, I enjoyed reading the black E-Zine. Once again, you have done a wonderful job.

Cheryl has beautiful dolls and I enjoyed her answers to your questions
and most of all I do agree,   Collect what speaks to you or what warms
your heart. 

I loved the doll, Cedric, by Vanessa Morrison. That little boy just warms my heart. I guess I just have a special place in my heart for little boys.

I also liked the doll and information of the doll in the spotlight. I
would love to own one in the box with all the original items.

Thank you for another heart warming, fun and enjoyable issue of The
Black Doll-E-Zine.

Debra R.”


"Another great issue Debbie! I'm glad you are continuing the Black
Doll E-zine I look forward to reading it!

"The E-Zine is wonderful, Debbie!  I really enjoyed it.  It was fun reading
about Vanessa, and Cheryl.  I even looked back to read Marv's story from the
previous issue.  I laugh every time I think about Marv telling about running
the vacuum in the middle of the floor -- I can identify totally!

Love & Dolly Hugs,


"I 2nd that. It was a wonderful edition.


"Thanks for the comback!

Hi Debbie

Thanks so much for your email AND the "magazine"... I was so happy to get it. Thank you for all that you do.  You are the "comeback kid!"

 I just want you to know that your work has brought me great joy, spent reading through the articles,  and you are greatly appreciated!!

Luv Luv....



I enjoyed reading about Cheryl, and Vanessa!!!!!!!!!!! 
They both are truly unique in doll collecting and artistry!!
Thank you! I still have more to read, and I will!!
You, my sister, are a wonderful interviewer!!!  T00, TRUE!!


"Hi Debbie,

As always, I thoroughly enjoyed reading the latest edition of The
Black Doll-E-Zine
.  I was surprised to see Vanessa as the featured
artist.  She was my porcelain dollmaking instructor.

Thanks for continuing to provide the e-zine.  I really, really enjoy


"Outstanding!  I truly enjoyed each and every article.  Thanks for sharing such great information.  


“Hi Debbie,


GREAT issue!!  I noticed that on the Collecting News page all the way at the bottom, the blurb over the big bitties, resource is spelled incorrectly.  Also, the Resources link seemed to be an old link but it's corrected now. 






"...I read your Latest Doll E [Zine]. It's another great one.  

Dolling along,



"As an old while lady who has loved black dolls  since Amosandra,
  I am so happy to see that you have decided to continue the E-zine.
I have truly enjoyed every issue and look forward to the next.
Patricia Baker"


"Good Evening,
My name is Qasimah p.. Boston and I am a lowcountry artist residing in Savannah.  I make Black Dolls and my line is called The Original African Doll Story Collection.  I am enjoying Black Doll E-Zine and want to know if you will spotlight one of my doll stories.  "The African Women Pounding".  I would like to tell you more about my doll stories... 


Qasimah p. Boston


Your letters, comments or feedback here.

Your letters, comments or feedback here.

Your letters, comments or feedback here.

Your letters, comments or feedback here.

Your letters, comments or feedback here.

Thank you for your feedback!  

Please continue to submit feedback, doll news, doll stories, etc. to: (Deb)


Index ||| Welcome ||| Mailbag ||| About the Editor ||| Collecting News ||| Profile of a Collector ||| Profile of an Artist ||| Doll in the Spotlight! ||| Doll Care Basics ||| Resources ||| FAQ ||| Closing Words