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Vol. 4, Issue 2                                         4th Quarter, 2005

Doll Collecting News

by Debbie Garrett

Index  | Welcome | Mailbag | About the Editor | Collecting News | Profile of a Collector | Profile of an Artist | Doll in the Spotlight! | Doll Care Basics | Resources | FAQ | Closing Words

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Summer Sweetheart is a 21-inch toddler with full vinyl limbs that was released this past summer by the Lee Middleton Doll Company.  Summer Sweetheart has the new "Baby Mine" African American face mold.  In her redressed state (above right), she is ready for the holidays!  Suggested retail $139.


Christmas Elf is a 19-inch Lee Middleton boy dressed in red and white holiday attire.  Suggested retail is $130.


Ayana by Laura-Tuzio Ross is an 18-inch, 4-5 lb, silicone/vinyl limited edition (350 pieces) baby that will steal your heart.  She retails for $139.  Ayana is sold out by the distributor, Masterpiece Dolls; but may be purchased directly from a doll dealer or at an online auction.  In my collection, Ayana is sister to Tevin (above right), another limited edition, silicone/vinyl baby by Laura Tuzio-Ross.  Also sold out, Tevin was created for the European market and sold via Home Shopping Europe (HSE) earlier this year.


Kyra is the first issue in the Wee Bit Early collection by Carol Kneisley.  She is the first anatomically correct So Truly Real™ Doll featuring Real Touch™ vinyl, sold exclusively through Ashton-Drake.  The second doll in the series, not yet produced, is Clay. Retail $149.99.


Tasha is the first African-American doll for Ashton-Drake from doll artist Julie Fischer, and first in the A Sister is a Hand to Hold collection. Tasha stands 33-1/2 inches and has special "locking joint" armatures in her legs that allow her to be posed in many realistic ways.  Tasha's face, breastplate, arms-below-the-elbows; and legs-below the knees are molded of  So Truly Real™ vinyl.  The rest of the doll is cloth, as illustrated in the real photo below. 


Be prepared, if you order the doll and plan to redress her, to keep her in 3/4 length or long-sleeve tops, pants, or a full-length dress or skirt.  Her wig has reddish brown highlights (see photo below).  Many have voiced their plan to re-wig the doll.  The overbite that is visible on the Ashton-Drake flyer, is real, and is somewhat visible in the close-up photo below.

Tasha's retail is $199.99, available in 6 monthly installments through Ashton-Drake.  The second doll in this series is Tasha's little sister, Talia, to be released later.


For the adult or child collector is Carin - African American Design Studio Doll by Robert Tonner, an FAO Schwartz exclusive.  Carin is a 21-inch vinyl doll.  Her tote bag contains a glue wand, trims, delicate appliqués, glittery gem-like decorations, and a variety of buttons, bows, and ribbons to create one-of-a-kind fashions.  Retail $89.


United Colors of Benetton Barbie® - New York was released in late October.  She is the only AA doll in this four-doll series sold only through United Colors of Benetton stores. Retail $29.99


2005 Holiday™ Barbie® by Bob Mackie is breathtaking in either the burgundy or green gown.  For collectors who prefer exclusive dolls, the Sears-exclusive doll in the green gown will be a must have this holiday season.  Retail $39.98.

Scheduled for December 2005 release is the second That's So Raven doll with a retail price of $20.00.


From the Tiny Kitty collection by Robert Tonner is the recently released Crimson Glamour Dottie, a 10-inch, hard plastic fashion doll.  The retail price is $100, but she has been spotted for $79.99 at Elegant Doll (see the resources page for their website link).


Photograph courtesy of Anne Fitzgerald

Everyone who has seen one, will fall in love with a Helen Kish doll.  Haleena Hoop Dancer (above left) is a souvenir doll from the  2005 UFDC Region 3 Conference held in Albuquerque, New Mexico in March 2005.  Haleena is the Native American friend of 7-1/2-inch Riley (above right).  

Photograph courtesy of Zee Holiday

Created in a limited edition of 300, Haleena  is extremely hard to find.  When found on the secondary market, it is certain that Haleena will have a hefty price tag attached!


Riley's other friends of color at the time of this writing are Anjali and Zsu ZseAnjali is an East Indian and Zsu Zse is Asian.  (Note Anjali's family resemblance to Haleena.)  Both Anjali and Zsu Zse were available through the Helen Kish Collector's Society via preorder reservations for $80 each and were recently released in late September/early October of 2005.  Anjali, however, will be released next year in the regular Kish line. The Kish Collector's Society membership fee is $25.  


Anjali and Zsu Zse are adorable in their original outfits, but redressed, Anjali easily becomes African American and Zsu Zse, biracial -- "Blanasian" (Black and Asian) in my collection.  In this photo, Anjali wears Elementary Riley's outfit while Zsu Zse (or Tif, her American name) wears Vogue Ginny's "Sunny Days" outfit.  A simple change of an outfit can transform a doll's appearance, her personality, as well as her ethnicity!  (Some people frown on doing this; however, once the doll becomes part of a person's personal collection, ownership includes the right to make the doll enjoyable and truly your own.)


Photos courtesy of

Lulu and Sammy, pictured above, are "new to me" dolls.  Made for the European market and designed by Marie Luise Schultz and the White Balloon Company in Spain, both dolls are discontinued.  Lulu stands 16 inches, has European stringing, and is made of high-quality vinyl and rooted hair. Her body construction is comparable to that of Sasha and Sylvia Natterer dolls.  Sammy is a 14-inch vinyl doll with cloth body and has the same European style construct as Lulu. Cyndy of may have a few more in stock. 

For reborners or collectors looking for specific African-American Berenguer dolls, check with Cyndy for availability. She indicated that she cannot discount the dolls that she has in stock, but shipping is free on certain case lots, while quantities last. Cyndy has added a link on her home page that will take you directly to the African American dolls that she has in stock. See the Resources page for a link to


Wearable Doll Art 


These soft sculptured, one-of-a-kind doll pins are designed and crafted by Janice M. Larsen-Tyre.  The pins in the above photo are samples of the types of pins and magnets that Janice makes.  The pictured pins have the words "I Love Black Dolls" on them, but can be customized to read another short phrase.  The pin that I own measures 4 x 3-1/2 inches, but sizes may vary. Janice's OOAK pins may be ordered from Janice for $35 plus shipping.  Skin tone, hairstyle, and shirt color (based on availability) may be specified.  See the Resources page for Janice's contact information.



"What's New With You?" is a question that I asked Goldie Wilson and Jean Henderson:  

Goldie's reply was:  

"Hi Debbie,
Good to hear from you. I have begun work on my new series of dolls for 2006, trying to come up with some new ideals. My last show for this year will be at the Gaithersburg Fair Ground in Gaithersburg, MD on the 17th of Dec. I have started working on my dolls for IDEX, which will be held in Orlando in Jan. 2006.  I have done a piece for the AIDS auction; it will be posted on the IDEX web site when it is set up.  Check it out.
Peace be with you,


Jean's reply was:

"I am working on something new (and different), but I am not ready to introduce it just quite yet.  As far as doll shows:
    1.    14th Annual Dolls Of Color on Parade Black Doll Show
            Saturday December 17, 2005  10:00am - 7:00pm
            Montgomery County Fairgrounds - Gaithersburg MD
    2.    Greater Washington DC Black Memorabilia & Collectible Show
            Saturday April 15, 2006  10:00am - 7:00pm
            Montgomery County Fairgrounds - Gaithersburg MD
    3.    Washington Gift Show
            August 6-9, 2006
            Washington DC Convention Center
I will send you more show dates as they become available.


Collectors of Lorna Miller-Sands dolls will be delighted to know that Lorna will have a new, 15-inch, silicone, preemie baby girl coming out within the next month (December 2005).  Her name is Miracle because she represents the miracle of a baby being born prematurely at about 32-33 weeks.  She will have dark eyes and finely, rooted hair.  She will be in a limited edition of 30.  How exciting!


An update was received from Debbie Britt, founder of the Doll E Daze Project:  On December 2, 2005, Debbie will be a guest speaker at the Massachusetts Black Educators Conference at the Sheraton Framingham Hotel, Framingham, Massachusetts. Debbie will have a vendor table at this two-day conference. Her dolls will also be on display in several schools in Massachusetts to be used as a teaching tool for black history/studies and language arts. 

Thanks Goldie, Jean, Manya Elliott on behalf of Lorna Miller Sands, and Debbie (DB) for the updates!  Best wishes to all with your upcoming and future doll shows, sales, and Black-doll educating events.



Dec. 3 & 4 (Sat & Sun) - Gaithersburg, MD  "Eastern Nat'l. Antique Doll Show" 
Montgomery County Fairgrounds, Exit 11 off I-270. Sat 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Sun 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Hall # 2
Dec. 17, 2005 "Dolls of Color on Parade"
"Washington, D.C.'s oldest African-American Doll Show" 
Montgomery County Fairgrounds and Agricultural Center
16 Chestnut Street
Gaithersburg, MD  20877
Time:  10:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.  
Admission: $5.00
Free Parking - Good Food - All Indoors - Rain or Shine 
Location: Building 6  
Featured at this world famous location will be many exhibitors with Black dolls, doll accessories, doll furniture, and doll-related items for sale.

Dec. 17, 2005 
A doll show sponsored by Sister's Uptown Bookstore
 1942 Amsterdam Avenue
New York City
Time:  11 a.m. -  6 p.m.


Jan. 15 (Sunday only) - Dedham, MA  "Dedham Doll and Bear Show and Sale"
Holiday Inn, Jct. Rte 1 & 128, Exit 15A. Sunday: 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. 

Jan. 27-29, 2006 "15th Anniversary Show ~  IDEX 2006"
The Annual Debut of the World's Finest Collectibles
Dolls ~ Bears ~ Toys & More!
Doubletree Hotel at Entrance to Universal Orlando
Collector/General Admission Hours:
Friday evening events - Jan. 27th   
Saturday, Jan. 28th   noon - 5:00 p.m. 
Saturday evening events - Jan. 28th
Sunday, January 29th -  10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.  
Feb. 12-15, 2006 (Sunday-Wednesday) "American International Toy Fair 2006"
Jacob K. Javits Convention Center, NYC
Hours:  Sunday 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.; Monday-Tuesday 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.; Wednesday 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. 
American International TOY FAIR®
A TIA Event
1115 Broadway, Suite 400
New York, NY 10010
(212) 675-1141
Fax: (212) 645-3246

  Saturday April 15, 2006 "Greater Washington DC Black Memorabilia & Collectible Show"

                                   10:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. Montgomery County Fairgrounds - Gaithersburg MD


Saturday and Sunday, May 27 and 28, 2006, "The 19th International Black Doll Show and Sale"
"Magical and Mystical Dolls"
The Pennsylvania Convention Center
11th and Arch Streets
Philadelphia, PA


July 9-14, 2006 "TELL ME A STORY" 
UFDC 57th National Convention
UFDC's 57th National Convention will be held July 9th-14th, 2006 in 
DALLAS, TX at the Adam's Mark Hotel.  Check UFDC's web site at for additional information. 


August 6-9, 2006 -  "Washington Gift Show" Washington DC Convention Center



If you have Black-doll collecting news that you would like to share with the readers of  The Black Doll-E-Zine,  please contact, Deb at: