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Cyber Town


What is Cybertown
The Constitution
3D Software





bulletA private 3D VR (virtual reality) home with your own personal chat, inbox, message board and free e-mail. You can invite your friends over to hang out, chat and party - all in full 3D!
bulletThe Cybertown shopping malls and Flea Markets where you can buy, sell or trade cool 3D objects for your home.
bulletA Virtual Pet for your home.
bulletCustomizable bodies to use in the 3D worlds.
bulletOngoing Role-Playing Games.
bulletInteresting Clubs with 3D Clubhouses to join or start your own.
bulletAwesome movie theatres and music concerts.
bulletThe Black Sun Club where you can dance in 3D and listen to your favourite tunes.
bulletLive events and celebrity chats.
bulletThe opportunity to get a virtual job, earn City Cash and become a respected citizen of a large intergalactic online community.

All this and much, much more are waiting for you inside, so why hesitate when membership is 100% FREE?


© CyberLady2002