| A private 3D VR (virtual reality) home with
your own personal chat, inbox, message board and free e-mail. You can
invite your friends over to hang out, chat and party - all in full 3D!
 | The Cybertown shopping malls and Flea Markets
where you can buy, sell or trade cool 3D objects for your home.
 | A Virtual Pet for your home. |
 | Customizable bodies to use in the 3D worlds.
 | Ongoing Role-Playing Games. |
 | Interesting Clubs with 3D Clubhouses to join
or start your own. |
 | Awesome movie theatres and music concerts.
 | The Black Sun Club where you can dance in 3D
and listen to your favourite tunes. |
 | Live events and celebrity chats. |
 | The opportunity to get a virtual job, earn
City Cash and become a respected citizen of a large intergalactic online
community. |