Well My name is Diane Marie and I am 27 years old living in Ontario Canada with my husband and 2 kids. Right now I am a stay at home mom. This section of my page would tell you everything about me. So I hope u have something to drink cause this might be interested.

Well I was born on Feb 11,1975 at 12:00 midnite lets just say I came out of my mother very dirty. My mom had to use the bathroom when she was having me. I have 2 brothers their names are Michael and Albert.
When I came home from the hosiptal my parents told me that Michael came to me and smacked me in my face. I believe he was jealous. We are only 18 months apart. While I was growing up my older brother Albert decided to put my hair on fire and they told me that I was jumping up and down singing "my hair is on fire" I have the scar to prove that was the truth lol.

One day my brothers and a friend was around my crib and my father though that they gave me rat poison to eat so he grabed me and put his hands down my throught because he wanted me to throw up the rat posion which I never taken.

When I was around 4 to 5 I went to headstart only from 12 to 3pm. I loved going there I remember when I use to grab my mothers hand and said lets go to school lol.

I started P.S 15 when I was 5 years old. I remember being the teachers pet. Then I remember cutting the afternoon classes and just hanging out in the bathroom until 3:00 and I run home to watch General Hosiptal. My mom never knew what I did. Maybe that is the reason I got left back.

I went to J.H.S 142 because it was close to where I live and my brothers went there. I enjoy going to that school. Then we moved so I changed schools because someone told me that there was a store with candy in it..So I went to I.S.318 graduated 318 and went to Van Arsdale.

At the end of the school year we cutted school and went to Coney Island for a day and thats when I met my sons father.

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