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GoddessesIII: 2005

All of these are my creations; You may use them as long as credit is given. Credit goes to Debi at The Doll Garden.

The "Queen of the Druids". Celtic Fir Goddess and Mother of the tree calender. Symbolizes protection, knowledge, creativity, passion, sex, fertility, growth, trees and forests.

Aine - Irish goddess of love and fertility, queen of the Faery Folk.

Eostre or Ostara (Anglo Saxon) - Goddess of Spring and fertility.

The Spring Goddess in Blue

Cliodna: of the Tuatha de Danann,daughter of Gebhan, Ireland’s last Druid, is a Goddess of the sea, the afterlife and beauty. Cliodna was said to shapeshift into a bird, the Celtic symbol of the afterlife. Stories tell of her having three magical birds whose song brought rest and health to those who were ill.

The Dagda: God of the Earth and All Father. An excellent fighter, but a God of simple tastes who dresses in a brown tunic, hooded cape and leather boots.He possessed two swine, one of which was perpetually roasting, the other perpetually growing. His other symbols are the bottomless cauldron of plenty and a harp with which he controls the seasons. God of the arts, knowledge, magic, music, prophecy, prosperity, regeneration.Also a God of death; the father of Brighid.



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