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Goddesses V: 2005

All of these are my creations; You may use them as long as credit is given. Credit goes to Debi at The Doll Garden.

Fire.... "to will"....represents the Southern quarter...(celtic: South and White, wands) Protection; passion; courage; energy; power; strength; banishment...Divinity.....light and heat, desire, enthusiasm, courage, force, lust, fertility, virility, initiative and rejuvenation.

Air..."to know"... represents the Eastern quarter.. (Celtic: East and Red, swords) Travel; instruction; study; knowledge; finding lost items; freedom...mental activity, thoughts, reason, intellect, memory, persuasion, birth, friendship, clarification and expression.

Water... "to dare"....represents the west quarter..(celtic: West and Grey, cups) Purification; love; psychic powers; dreams; divination; peace...intuition, insight, conception, pregnancy, fertility, the womb, health, and beauty.

Earth ..."to keep silence" ....represents the Northern quarter.....(Celtic: North and Black, pentacles) Money; prosperity; fertility; stability; grounding; employment...animals and animal instincts, sensations, decay, patience, strength, health, warmth, comfort, farming and physical labor.



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All content © by Debi, unless otherwise credited. All rights reserved.