The King Am I“and [Jesus] has made us kings and priests to His God and Father, to Him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen.” (Revelations 1:6) The Bible calls us kings and priests, more than conquerors (Romans 8:37) and world overcomers (1 John 5:4). For many of us, those promises are like Reality, Interrupted for we're still learning who we really are. King David had a similar problem in 1 Chronicles 14. He was anointed king by the prophet Samuel when he was just a shepherd boy. He knew that someday he’d rule over Israel. Yet somehow, Reality Bites and it hadn’t really sunk in. In verse 2, we see that “David perceived that the Lord had confirmed him king over Israel, for his kingdom was lifted up on high, because of his people Israel.” It finally dawned on him, and David perceived that God had confirmed him king. Much like King David, we have been given a royal priesthood and we are more Royal than the Tenenbaums. We are bigger than The Lion King The Scorpion King, Burger King, Larry King, Three Kings or the Vikings. We are more powerful than any president, prime minister, dictator, emir, strongman, sultan, shah, sheik, pasha, emperor or caliph. But it’s not until we believe it that we can exercise the power and authority that goes with that office. If you’re sick, you can say, “By His stripes I’m healed,” according to Isaiah 53:5. You can hope for healing and try to believe for healing till your hair turns black like Robert Blake. But if you don’t perceive yourself as whole and healthy in Christ Jesus, if you don’t see yourself as the healed instead of the sick, you won’t get it. Yet once the realization hits you that you are the healed trying to maintain your health no one, not even the devil or your HMO, will be able to keep you from getting well and be full of divine health. Don’t be a mere king of Siam like Yul Brynner or wrestle with The Scorpion King like The Rock, step over the line from trying to believe to actually knowing by dwelling on the Word of God. God is El Sela, The Rock. He is the real Rock, the Rock of Ages. Read His Word daily and meditate on it. Practice seeing yourself through the eyes of the Word until the reality of your royalty, your kingship in Christ, the King of Kings, rises up in you. Copyright © 2002 Eddy Ministries. All rights reserved. Subscribe/Unsubscribe: |