The Born Again Identity

“If any man is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.” (2 Corinthians 5:17)

Unlike Matt Damon who played Jason Bourne, the spy who forgot who he is, we were born again and spiritually resurrected the day we made Jesus Christ the Lord of our lives. We passed from death to eternal life and we assumed The Born Again Identity. When you made Jesus Christ the Lord of your life, the Spirit of God hovered over you. The shekinah glory of God came into your being, and it totally consumed the old, lustful, sinful nature that you had. That old man just died, and in his place at Six Feet Under without any help from Barbara Streisand, a new creation, A Star is Born.

Yes, there will be a day when your earth suit, the body you live in will be raised and glorified, but you don’t have to wait until then to be free from sin, sickness, debt, oppression, poverty, terror and failure that goes with this natural world. You are free from all that right now. You may say, “If I’m so free, why do I still go to Las Vegas? Why am I so broke? Why am I in debt? Why do I get sick?” Because you've let the devil and his demons convince you that the Bible is no big deal, God is not around and you’ve let him talk you into enjoying the momentary pleasures of the flesh as if you’re still spiritually dead.

Snap out of your amnesia, realize that you are born again and begin seeing yourself alive and do it now! Think of yourself as one who already has the abundant life of God instead of someone who’s waiting for the resurrection. Consider yourself dead to sin and alive to the power of Jesus. Once you really assume The Born Again Identity that Jesus died at the cross to give you, you’ll find yourself living La Vida Loca with more fun than Ricky Martin, living a whole new life with much more excitement than anything Robert Ludlum can imagine.

Copyright © 2002 Eddy Ministries.
All rights reserved.


