Breakfast at Almighty’s

“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled.” (Matthew 5:6)

Many of us have seen the Audrey Hepburn classic Breakfast At Tiffany’s. Breakfast is supposedly the most important meal of the day. Just as it is important to feed the body with a healthy breakfast, it’s vitally important to feed the soul with the right kind of food. The soul is composed of the mind, the will, and the emotions and it will get used going to whatever we feed it. We’ll begin to crave whatever we feed our soul and want to have to have more of it.

Did you feed your soul with adulterous romance novels, Harry Potter books for your children, pornography, or garbage from Hollywood? Did you feed it with senseless TV shows and movies full of illicit sex, lies, violence, witchcraft, and homosexuality you shouldn’t be watching, words you shouldn’t be saying, or music you shouldn’t be listening to? Or did you feed your soul with the Word of God so your soul can prosper so you can prosper and live in health? (3 John 2)

You will not get A Beautiful Mind by watching a movie. You'll only get it when you lose your carnal mind and take on the mind of Christ. You cannot do God’s will by renting Good Will Hunting, and your emotions will not be full of joy unless you are in God’s presence for in His presence is the fullness of joy. What you’re full of will manifest, for what goes in comes out. You can get just as excited to feed your soul as you do to feed your body by daily feeding your soul on the Word, not the world. Think big like James Bond because The World is Not Enough, you need the Word of God.

Why have breakfast at Tiffany’s when you can have Breakfast at Almighty's with God the Creator Himself? Why have the flakes of Wheaties when you can have the meat and the milk of the Word, the true breakfast of champions? Fill yourself full of the Word of God every single day by digesting these email devotionals. God willing, it can become a spiritual cycle you'll want to continue every day of your life. What you feed your stomach lasts only a very short time, but what you feed your soul can last throughout eternity and won’t go belly up on you.
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