
“Then the LORD said to Moses, ‘Behold, I will rain bread [manna] from heaven for you. And the people shall go out and gather a certain quota every day, that I may test them, whether they will walk in my law [obey My Word] or not.’”(Exodus 16:4)

Warner Brothers is producing a TV show called Smallville about the life of young Clark Kent in a small town who realized he has superhuman powers. Clark Kent, however, did not become Superman until he found his caped suit in the big city of Metropolis and it was there that he did mighty works. Likewise, many of us want to be Superman and do great things for God, but somehow we are stucked in Smallville because of disobedience.

Before God could take the children of Israel into the Promised Land, He had to know if they would obey Him, if they would listen to His voice. Because if they didn't, the enemies they were about to face would kill them. God took a routine and pedestrian matter, food, and used it to see if they would obey Him or not. He told them how much of it to gather, when to gather and when not to, and what to do with it after they gathered it in. They went out and violated those instructions and showed God that His voice was not important to them at all because of the greed of their flesh. They were not willing to obey even His smallest commands.

Jesus said in Luke 16:10, “He who is faithful in what is least, is faithful also in much.” God, who does not change, works the same way today. Before He sends us on a major mission or give us an incredible gift, favor, blessing or anointing, He’ll give us the chance to prove we can be trusted with small things. But many of us fail miserably and get stuck in Smallville. We may say, “God, what do You want me to do?” But when God says in His Word, “I want you to read your Bible daily, to pray for the peace of Jerusalem, to be a tither and a giver, to forgive that person who used you, to sow into that ministry that is feeding you daily with the Word, to pray in the Spirit every morning,” we fail to obey Him.

Don’t make that mistake. Start by obeying God in the little things, and let God see that He can trust us in a greater place of much abundance and authority. Let God know we’ll be faithful to His Word and to the voice of the Holy Spirit. Once God knows we obey Him even on the small things, He’ll take us out of Smallville, turn us into Superman to fight the dark side, and give us large and beautiful cities that we didn’t build (Deuteronomy 6:10). God will start sending us on bigger missions to finance or preach the gospel of salvation so the lost will get saved and naturally He’ll send us bigger and better blessings along the way.

Copyright © 2002 Eddy Ministries.
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