Last Word

“I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, says the Lord, who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.” (Revelation 1:8)

Jesus the Messiah is El Shaddai the Almighty, the beginning and the end, the first and the last. He wasn’t just giving us a general tidbit of information about Himself. He was giving us a powerful truth from the Word of God we can apply NOW in our lives! Jesus said He is the beginning. So no matter what problem you may be facing right now, you need to start with Him. John 1:1 says Jesus is the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God. That means, if you’re going to start with Jesus, you're going to start with the Word. Don't do anything until you have meditated on what the Word has to say.

Then, stay grounded on the Word like a seed in the ground so your harvest will arrive. Colossians 1:23 says, “Continue in the faith grounded and settled, and be not moved away from the hope of the gospel, which you have heard.” Continue in the faith which is based on the Word of God means keep on hearing or reading the Word over and over again. The only way the devil can defeat you is to pressure you into ignoring the Word. Everything he does, every trial he brings you is intended to make you doubt the Word of God. So don’t let go of the Word, no matter what may happen, no matter how broke, sick, in debt, depressed or oppressed you are in the now. Settle it with God in prayer, speak the Word on the matter and stay with it forever. God’s Word, it is written and it shall not return to Him void!

Finally, you need to end with the Word. Jesus said He is the first and the last. That means the word of your doctor or that AIDS test is not the last word. The word of the bank, the brokerage house, the financial advisor, the accountant, the lawyer and the credit bureau is not the last word. Even the word of your spouse, in-laws, mentor, pastor, priest, preacher or rabbi is not the last word. The uncompromised, unadulterated, unparalleled Word of God is the last Word!

You are what the Word says you are for you are fearfully and wonderfully made in God's image as His child and heir to a glorious inheritance. You can do what the Word says you can do – you can bind evil spirits and loose angels in the Name of Jesus, speak the Word with authority and plead the Blood of Jesus over all that you possess. You can have what the Word says you can have, for the earth is the LORD’s and the fullness thereof and you are an heir and the meek [those who obey the Word] shall inherit the earth. The wealth of the wicked are being transferred by the harvesting angels right this moment and God will deliver you as you stay on the Word. Begin to believe that and begin to say it boldly
and loudly in faith every day. Believe and you shall receive.

Now shout the victory. Not after you save, print or forward this email but NOW! You don't have to wait to see the outcome to celebrate for it already happened in the spiritual realm and will manifest soon in the material world. You have God’s Word on the matter, so you know beyond any reasonable doubt that your breakthrough is coming. Once you’ve settled yourself on God and His Word, you can rest assured that God
who is always faithful, much more faithful than Semper Fi of the U. S. Marines, will have the last word!

Copyright © 2002 Eddy Ministries.
All rights reserved.


