The Bible Reloaded

“Blessed be the Lord, who daily loads us with benefits, the God of our salvation!” (Psalm 68:19)

In the long anticipated 2003 Warner Brothers sequel blockbuster The Matrix Reloaded, Neo, Trinity, Morpheus and the kick-ass human race of the future fights for survival against Agent Smith and ever watchful machines. We may not have entered The Matrix, but many people have been playing games when it comes to the Word of God. They appear to be spiritual in public and may even carry a Bible but in private, they never load up on the Bible at all. When trouble comes they enter The Panic Room because they don’t know how to stand on the Word.

Real faith involves real action, not special effects, because James 2:20 says that faith without works or corresponding action is dead. If we want the kind of faith that will move mountains, that will help us win the fight for survival against the flesh, the world, and the devil, then we need to load up, and reload, on the Bible or the Word of God. First, we need to study the Word diligently to present ourselves approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. (2 Timothy 2:15) We can not only read it, enjoy these emails, or listen to teaching tapes and load up our minds daily, we can dig deeper and reload with concordances like Strong’s, Hebrew/Greek dictionaries like Vine's, teaching letters from anointed ministries or rabbis, magazines and other study guides.

Then we need to go where the Word of God is being preached either at church, crusades, conventions or meetings, on the internet, TV networks like TBN, radio, print, email or other media. When Romans 10:17 says that faith comes by hearing, the Apostle Paul was talking about hearing the Word of God preached. When we are surrounded by problems and we’re having trouble hearing from God, we need stop and find a place where we can hear the Word preached. In so doing we’ll receive more answers from God than we can even imagine. Even though the preacher may not have been preaching about anything related to what we’re struggling with, some Word from the Bible will suddenly galvanize our thoughts to give us the answer to that problem that's been hounding us. Last but not least, we need to start confessing out loud the Word we’ve heard.

The Bible is loaded with 32,000 promises, so find the promise of God that covers our situation and then boldly declare it as if it's a done deal. Whether we see The Matrix Reloaded or not, we need to get serious about the Bible for it is God who daily loads us, and reloads us, with benefits, the benefit package of salvation, health, prosperity, protection, restoration, wholeness and increase. Study the Bible and chase God with the same fervor that we have for chasing money or pleasure, go hear it preached, and get it reloaded in our minds so the blessings of God will chase us. Confess it daily and become such a diligent worker of The Bible Reloaded that the devil will look at us in sheer terror and run.
Copyright © 2003 Eddy Ministries.
All rights reserved.


