PerfectAnd He said to me, My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness. Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ [the Anointed One and His burden-removing, yoke-destroying anointing] may rest upon me. (2 Corinthians 12:9) In the 1985 movie Perfect, Jamie Lee Curtis is an aerobics instructor who meets and gets physical with reporter John Travolta who is doing a story on health clubs. When we run into a perfectly impossible situation, a situation where we just don’t have the strength, knowhow or ability to handle, many of us are tempted to simply give up and accept defeat. But we must not and instead shout, Praise the LORD, Glory to God and Hallelujah! because the Word says the strength of God Almighty is about to be made perfect in us. The Greek word translated into English as strength is dunamis, which is the same root for dynamo and dynamite. It means the miracle working power of God will just blow the obstacles away like tons of TNT. When our human strength ends, when we reach the end of our ropes, when the checks start bouncing and even making dinner is Mission Impossible, God has promised in His Word that His miraculous power will bring us Shining Through. One of the great truth and wisdom from the Bible is that we are made perfect only when we realize that we have our own limitations, and like Greyhound, we must learn to just enjoy the ride and leave the driving to God. In Acts 14, the Apostle Paul was stoned by a group of Jews, taken out of the city and left for dead. Paul’s human strength had just been terminated, he was more Half Past Dead than Steven Seagal, and he was completely powerless. But the disciples gathered around him and prayed, and God raised him up and he went on his way to preach the gospel. When Paul didn’t have enough human strength to overcome, God’s miracle-working dunamis power was sufficient for him, and it enabled him to be an overcomer in spite of his weakness. So, if you are facing a crisis today, if you’re sick and your HMO has failed you, if your finances are Less Than Zero, if the IRS wants to audit you all the way back to preschool, if your family is falling apart and even the cops call 911, if addictions to sex, drugs, and money have you hopelessly bound, if you’ve done all you can do and are still on the road to nowhere, then rejoice for when your human strength ends, the power of God steps in, exceeds and excels. Only believe and receive, for no matter what problem you may face, God’s grace is sufficient for you, and His strength is made perfect in your weakness.Copyright © 2003 Eddy Ministries. All rights reserved. Subscribe/Unsubscribe: