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HUNTER, John (4463887, Private)

b. 1913, London      d. Monday 29th June 1942 (aged 29)


          The younger brother of Edward, John died a mere three months before his brother.  The Hunter siblings had chosen very different routes of military service though, as John was a Private soldier in the 8th Battalion, Durham Light infantry whilst his brother had chosen a more convential route for a Filey man as a sailor.

          At the time of his death John was part of the B.E.F.’s hard fought battle around El-Alamein and died just a couple of weeks after Carlton Edwards, another Filey casualty.  The end of June 1942 brought the conclusion of the battle for Tobruk, and was an experience which cost the Allies tens of thousands of troops, including the life of John Hunter.

          Like so many of the Africa campaign casualties, John’s body was lost and he is remembered on the El-Alamein memorial in Egypt.  His family received the 1939-45 Star, the Africa Star, the Defence Medal and the General Service Medal.