Beauty Tips

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~ Try using hand cream to seal split ends. It works as well as expensive deep conditioning treatments and split end mending products. Use on dry hair only.

~ Instead of buying expensive spray on leave in conditioner, get a spray bottle and put water in it then add your favorite regular conditioner that you use when you wash your hair, swirl it around to mix. If it won't spray, add a little more water. You'll have to experiment a little since the amounts vary depending on the conditioner you use. It's much cheaper though!!!

~ To get styling products build up out of your hair, add 1/2 tsp baking soda to shampoo and use 2 times a week.

~ Lice - instead of the expensive shampoos try the following:
1. Spray a little WD-40 on the hair and comb with a fine tooth comb. The nits come right out! The hair is a little greasy afterwards but 2 shampoos usually does the job, depending on the thickness and length of hair.

2. Mayo also works sometimes


~ You can fight skin blemishes with baking soda instead of acne creams. Add enough water to the baking soda to make a paste and apply to blemishes at bedtime to dry up pimples fast.

~ Use hair conditioner to shave your legs; it makes them softer than normal shaving cream and gives a close shave.

~*~ Mayo Moisturising Mask ~*~

*** Ingredients:

- 2 Tabls. Full Fat Mayo
- 1 Tsp. Baby Oil

*** Directions:

~ Mix all ingredients well. Spread onto face and neck elbows knees wherever you need some extra moisture, and leave on for 20 minutes. Rinse off thoroughly with tepid water.

~ Cold Cream on eyelashes and brows keeps soap out of eyes while shampooing.

~ Soaking for a minute or two in cold soap suds makes it easier to remove rings from swollen fingers.

~ If your hands are really greasy and grimey, use a little dishwashing soap with a little sugar in your hand to scrub them clean.

~ 2-3 drops of lavender essential oil (pure, grade A) mixed in with a small amount of chemical-free lotion applied to sunburn will take away hot, burning pain.

~ If you have rough dry, sometimes darker skin on your elbows ? Try the cheap stuff first. "Carmex" in the little white and yellow jar. Use it once in the morning and once at night. Rub it in good. Use it for about 3-4 days or longer and see what happens.

~ Use Vaseline on bruises - it helps to make them heal faster! If applied as soon as you hit your self will probably stop them from showing at all. Carry small tube in purse to apply on a small child where ever you are

~ Wash your hands with a little hand lotion and a little liquid soap. The results are soft hands with no residue from the hand lotion on them.

~ Use Talcum Powder when Shaving Dry. Results - No razor burn and Soft skin!

~ Use Talcum Powder to get the sand off your skin at the beach or local playground. It takes sand off big and little bodies like magic!!! Simply rub powder all over and the sand falls off!!

~ Use a little salt when washing your hands to remove strong odors. Make sure you don't have any cuts or scrapes first!

~ Diaper rash Cream (such as Desitin) softens feet. Rub it into your feet real good then put cotton socks on

~ Make your own Liquid Soap - Take that last sliver of your fragrant bar soap (at least the size of a silver dollar) and mix with one cup hot water and let disolve. Mix well! You will have your favorite fragrant liquid soap. Works in any liquid soap dispenser!


~ If you chip, break or snag a fingernail and you find yourself without a nail file handy, just grab a box or book of matches. Use the little rough part that you strike the matches on to file your nail. It works great!

~ If you dont have a nail file when you chip or break a nail you can use a rock to smooth the jagged edges so you dont tear the nail any further until you get home.


~ Use a bit of loose powder on your eyelashes. Let it set for a minute, then apply mascara. Do this after eyeshadow and/or eyeliner is applied. The powder helps thicken lashes and set the eyeshadow and eyeliner. It keeps it from smudging.

~ To enhance your eye shadow, avoid selecting an eye shadow that is the same color as your iris. This will only serve to dull your eye color.

~*~ Homemade Vanilla Lip Gloss~*~

*** Ingredients:

- 1 Tablespoon of grated beeswax
- 1/2 teaspoon of coconut oil
- 1/8 teaspoon of vitamin E oil
- 1/8 teaspoon of vanilla extract

*** Directions:

Slowly heat ingredients except vanilla until melted. Then stir in vanilla. Pour in container and cool.

~ Loose your Contact Lens? Darken the room as much as possible. Shine a flashlight over the floor. The lens will glow.


~ Want your perfume or body spray sent to last all day? Put on lotion of the same sent on first and then apply the perfume/body spray and it will last practically the whole day.


~ If you have leg cramps during the night, try putting a bar of soap down by your feet at night. Hotel soap is fine

~ When dealing with an upset stomach that could lead to vomiting, place a small amount of salt in your hand and lick it. This should stop the sick feeling. If not repeat the procedure

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