Can't go to Florida without making a stop at Animal Kingdom (well you can-but then you're just stupid, haha j/k)
This is my dad-the man I look up to, no joke.. haha when I grow up, I want to be like him.
This is me and Jaime next to some bone heads
Me and Jaime with Timon, who practically knocked me out.. not kidding-I was walking away or walking up to him and like he whacked my glasses by accident-it was so funny
Chip Chip Chip & Dale-rescue rangers.. With me and Jaime.. Man those chipmunks were flirtay!
We caught Pluto just as he was leaving the park and he wasn't too happy to pose with us, so I squeezed his nose.
We felt bad for this guy.. Nobody was going up to him for a picture, so we did.. Cuz we're nice. uh huh
Hey Jaime-remember Rafiki who wouldn't let us go? That was funny too, we were trying to leave but he kept pulling us back, kissing our hands and all it was mad funny..