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user : neomaster720
pet : GreenShoyru72
NP : 195

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110 / 110
Power 70%
 Punchbag Bob
2067 / 5000
Power 100%

GreenShoyru72On the last move...Commander Garoo
You have released the power of the tornado from your Tornado Ring on Punchbag Bob!

Punchbag Bob cautiously attacks you!
You are healed by the Tornado Ring, but Punchbag Bob is just learning about it's powerful attack!
You defend yourself against Punchbag Bob!
0 hp
6 hp

Quoth Punchbag Bob:
OUCH!! Why don't you go pick on someone with weapons!!!

Equipment (select up to two)

This powerful ring will never break!  It is filled with the power of a tornado, which can protect you, cause damage to your opponent and may even do something else.  You will have to try it and see!
Tornado Ring
(Level 1)
This pocket-sized weapon will serve you well in battle.
Lost Desert Dagger
(Level 1)
Make your opponent think they like you with this Hypno Helmet. Remember, it only works for about one neo-minute so act fast. Limited Use. You can only have one freeze item equipped to a pet!
Hypno Helmet
(Level 1)
This rare gem will restore your pet thirty hit points, but it can only be used once per battle.  Limited Use.  Only one healing item can be equipped to your pet!
Blue Scorchstone
(Level 1)
You summon all your strength and call upon the Light Faeries of Neopia to create a powerful lightning beam.
Grand Lightning Beam
(Level 1)
Said to be formed from the tears of a heart broken Earth faerie this amulet grants you protection from earth magic.
Soul Stone
(Level 1)
This powerful wand attacks with the force of a tornado or hurricane.  It is hard to defend yourself against all of the wind!
Wand of the Air Faerie
(Level 1)
The meanest of all tridents... the Attack Fork has been donated by the Brain Tree, who of course keeps a massive stash of magical items !
Attack Fork
(Level 1)
This powerful wand attacks with the force of a tornado or hurricane.  It is hard to defend yourself against all of the wind!
Wand of the Air Faerie
(Level 1)
Said to be formed from the tears of a heart broken Earth faerie this amulet grants you protection from earth magic.
Soul Stone
(Level 1)
Power up and grow 40 times your size!!!
Supersize Gargantuplex
(Level 1)

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