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Impressum of

Owners adress:
Detlef Zirpel
Longericher Strasse 45
50767 Cologne

E-Mail: dzirpel (at) t-online . de

  • This is a private homepage.

  • The Copyrights of the referenced "Berann" maps are with , whose kind permission made the publication of the scans on this homepage possible.

  • Background picture on the index page downloaded from the NASA - picture gallery.

  • For direct or indirect links to other internet pages, which are outside my field of responsibility, an acountability would only apply in a case where I had knowledge of the matters and it would have been techically possible and reasonable for me to prevent the use in case of illegal content. So I explicitly declare that at the time the links were established the related pages did to my best knowledge not include illegal content. Furthermore I don`t have any influence on current or future design and content of all linked pages. Therefor I herewith explicitly dissociate from all content of pages that got changed after the link was established. This statement is valid for all links provided on this page. Only the provider of the linked page is liable for illegal, defective or incomplete content and especially for damages resulting from the usage or non-usage of such information - not the one who just linked to the particular publication.

  • This homepage has been developed on an AMIGA 4000 with dual processor board ("CyberstormPPC" of Phase5; M68060@50mHz/PPC604e@200mHz) under AmigaOS 3.9/WarpOS 16.1.

    As I could not find an HTML editor I like up to now, I typed the code for the pages in an text editor with my own hands.

  • First time online: 25.05.2006
  • Last time edited: 26.10.2006

    This page has been optimised for the Amiga browsers "AWeb II v3.4" and "IBrowse v2.3".