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Matthew St. John











Former Priest, Matthew St. John, was released from his duties as a Spiritual Advisor at St. Mary's after he was discovered practicing Wicca, a form of witchcraft in the catacombs underneath the church.


Now, as Matt's powers in the craft begin to grow, his child-hood nanny, Estelle Warner, has revealed to him that he has been chosen to fulfill an ancient prophecy, and fight - in a war against good and evil.  


Hesitant at first, Matt, wanted nothing more than to turn away from 'his' prophecy - until evil claimed someone he loved - his brother.


By using his growing powers, and his sharp intellect, Matt has formed an alliance with another practitioner of Wicca, Sophie Raines, and one of his former seminarians at St. Mary's, Kevin Ross - who have also lost a loved one to the "Macabre" - a Satanic Cult brewing in the United States.



  ©2002-2003 Prophecy

The images used within these pages are intended
solely for illustrative purposes, and in no way
signify endorsement or participation on the subjects' behalves.


While locations are referred to in terms of existing USA States and towns in them, the places 

- like the characters who inhabit them - exist solely in the author's imagination.


Any resemblance to people (living or dead) is purely coincidental.

Site design, graphics, characters, and storylines are property of Derick W.