
Kevin woke up groggy and bleary eyed wondering where exactly he was. thhe last thing he remembered was heading back to the barracks after a long day at the firing range with his freind Rich at the marines special opps facility. His eyes finaly ajusted and cleared. Much to his dismay he was in a cell "shit where am I?!" Kevin sat bolt upright and looking around at his surroundings taking in the area peice by boring peice. He saw the cold steel bars, the grungy toilet in the corner and the sleeping femal prisoner in the next cell. she wasn't more than nineteen or twenty at the most. she had dirty blond hair and was wearing a white hospital johnee. she looked heavily sedated. Kevin noticed a tired looking guard walking down the long cooridor toward the cells "hey you" Kevin yelled as the man shambled passed the girls cell "yea you let me out of here". the man turned to face kevin but there wasn't much humanity left on his bones. granted there was some flesh still hanging onto the bone but it was grey and obviosly dead. He...no it fumbled for its keys it body reeking of post mortus it opened the door and completely on instinct Kevin put his well polished black combat boots right through the things head with reletive ease. "he must have died several days ago but if he's dead how could he open the door and move?" this and many other thoughts raced through Kevins mind until he finally settled on finding out later. kevin searched the mans wallet for some kind of id or a clue about where he was. he found nothing exept a few dollars and a super market card. he started to leave but not before grabbing the mans key ring. He walked to the end of the hall and took a right, into the guard post.
