

Imagine a world where death is but a fairy tale told to children by the old people who witnessed it. Well that is what deathstalkers first set out to do and mostly succeeded in doing. So now days if someone tells you that anyone died of ‘natural causes’ there full of it. Today you have to shoot until a persons head pops off or they get 5-6 shots into them to effectively kill a person, and then you have to deal with the soul that floats like a cloud over them contorting into the grim reaper figure. It’s a real mess. The only exception to this rule is if you’re a deathstalker or an obliterator then you can get your hands on the real weapons of today. Deathstalkers get there weapons mainly from the company that sponsors them. There are small companies and then there’s Shadow Inc, Shadow Inc is the best weapon manufacturer in the world and they only ever sponsor the most well known deathstalkers. It seems that the story is that the owners wife was killed by an obliterator a couple of years ago and he’s wanted revenge ever since and in this world revenge is a powerful thing for those with the money to exact it. Obliterators get there weapons primarily from the corpses of deathstalkers that they kill. Which is kind of a bad thing considering death stalkers kill death and an obliterator is just a death stalker who was driven insane by the tremendous stress of there job they are after all just ordinary people with insanely difficult jobs. So now death stalkers hunt and kill obliterators as well as the ‘reapers’ they produce on a large scale basis. So anyway people as a specie tend to adapt to there surroundings and guns fell out of prominence so fast it would make your head spin. Swords and knifes came back into prominence as the default weapon, axes became the heavy artillery, and finally the first 22nd century weapon is the thrade a kind of thrown knife that comes back like a boomerang the only downside is actually catching the freaking thing to do that you need a death stalkers armor or a whole lot of skill and sometimes both. Needless to say thrades aren’t very popular at all. As you can imagine with the whole no death thing drug use has become VERY popular with everyone in a rampant sort of way. And overcrowding is a serious problem even with the mar’s and Europa colonies constantly expanding. Some good has come of the excess of people medical science has accelerated to an unbelievable pace they cured cancer in a week, and Aids in a few days it’s incredible. But the biggest plus is that there are no real wars save the one being fought by the deathstalkers because its much too expensive to destroy an army that refuses to die so all of the worlds governments said to hell with it and now resolve there differences in a more civilized manor Video games. Yes Video games have saved the planet isn’t that a kick in the pants, you all told your kids to stop wasting there time didn’t you oh well your loss. So back to over crowding BIG DEAL right!? Well it is life is horrible for everyone except the rich and those tough enough to become deathstalkers or obliterators. And not many have the drive for more than a few years… If they survive that long anyway. I guess that by this point your probably wondering what exactly a deathstalker is anyway, why do they even want to stalk death. Well deathstalkers are just everyday people that have an incredibly difficult job but I’ve already explained that didn’t I. what drives a deathstalker to do his job every day? That kind of depends on the deathstalker themselves some of them do it for guess what Revenge some lose family members some lose friends. Most however just do it to better there situation. Then there are those weirdo’s who do it for fun those usually end up becoming obliterators and dying by the hand of there partner or some powerful deathstalker. Obliterators are essentially just deathstalkers who go insane due to the stress of there job and develop a thirst for killing anything or anyone who happens to be there. So now deathstalkers (otherwise known as stalkers by the populous) hunt obliterators viciously and obliterators follow suit the other way in a horrendous cycle that will in theory one day consume the world. Or so they say. This story focuses on one particularly known stalker known as Kevin and all of his exploits with alpha-genesis squadron so have fun. CHAPTER 1 In the dark room that served as the deathstalker named Kevin’s room and office little moves with the exception of Kevin himself who at 5 o’clock p.m. lays awake pondering life as a deathstalker and coming up with very little for all his efforts to find one