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Wedding of Duchess Fleur of Wuerttemberg
and Count Moritz von Goess


- King Juan Carlos of Spain (with 5 bodyguards)
- Queen Margarita of Bulgaria
- Princess Therese of Orleans-Braganza
- Dom Duarte, Duke of Braganza and his wife Isabel
- Dom Miguel of Portugal
- Fürstin Gloria von Thurn und Taxis with her 3 children
- Prince Maximilian of Liechtenstein and his wife Angela
- Prince Constantin of Liechtenstein and his wife Marie
- Prince Philipp Erasmus of Liechtenstein
- Prince Alexander of Liechtenstein and his wife Astrid
- Archduke Carl Peter of Austria and his wife Alexandra
- Archduke Ferdinand and his wife Tita von Hardenberg
- Archdchess Marie Christine and her husband Clemens Guggenberg von Riethofen
- Archduke Philipp
- Markgraf Maximilian of Baden and his wife Valerie with all 3 sons
- Hereditary Prince Bernhard of Baden and his wife Stephanie
- Landgraf Moritz von Hessen
- Duchess Sophie of Wuerttemberg
- Duke Jean of Vendome
- Prince Gundakar and Princess Marie Isabelle of Liechtenstein
- Princess Helene of Orleans, Comtesse de Limburg-Stirum
- Count Louis de Limburg-Stirum and his wife Belen
- Princess Isabelle of Orleans with husband Graf Friedrich-Karl von Schönborn-Buchheim
- Hereditary Count Damian von Schönborn-Buchheim with wife Deirdre and daughter Isabelle
- Prince Carl Christian von Wrede and his wife Katalin
- Prince Ulrich zu Wied and his wife Ilke
- Princess Alessandra Borghese


1) The beautiful bride! Everything was beautiful: Fleur, her dress, the tiara, the flowers.

2) On Friday night King Juan Carlos of Spain signed autographs for little girls! Unfortunately one of his goodlooking bodyguards didn't want me to take a pic of this kind situation.

3) Princess Elisabeth von Thurn und Taxis walked barefoot into the church because one of her shoes broke on the way.

4) Duke Wilhelm of Wuerttemberg is a really cute and spirited little boy. On Saturday night when the guests arrived for the ball he helped them to get out of the cars and he also climbed a sculpture of his grandmother.

5) On Saturday evening Queen Margarita of Bulgaria walked in Jeans through the park of the palace to take some pics of Duchess Diane's impressive sculptures.

6) Prince Constantin of Liechtenstein played drums on Friday night. He performed together with his band. The music was great. Duchess Marie Caroline was dancing wild and his brother Maximilian celebrated him.

7) Saturday afternoon the children of honour changed their beautiful dresses against bathing suits and climbed Duchess Diane's sculpture "Die Geburt der Isis" to take a bath in the little waterfall. A nephew of Count Moritz sat down in one of the eggs.

8) On Saturday night we saw a lot of guests arriving for the ball. Not all ladys were wearing tiaras, but at least I saw the following females with it:
- Hereditary Princess Stephanie of Baden (with her wedding tiara)
- Duchess Sophie of Wuerrtemberg
- Archduchess Alexandra von Wrede (with the Wrede wedding tiara)
- Fürstin Gloria von Thurn und Taxis
- Comtesse Isabelle de Limburg-Stirum
- Princess Therese of Orleans-Braganza
Unfortunately the tiaras didn't glitter because it was already too dark outside!

9) Hereditary Count Damian von Schönborn-Buchheim introduced his newborn daughter Isabelle to us! Sweet!

10) The big diamond-earrings of Duchess Diane were glittering in the sun. I have never seen something like this before.

What a highlight is? There is so much light that you get high! You have so much adrenaline that you think you are flying! A wonderful feeling that makes it hard to land again.

There was only one thing that I didn't like: Archduchess Maria Paloma of Austria was not there although she is a 1st cousin of Fleur. Even her brother-in-law Archduke Carl Peter was present although he is not related to anyone! What a shame for me! I expected her to come but she disappointed me very much.
Yes I have seen the King of Spain - yeah! But I haven't seen Maria Paloma. That made me a little bit sad - if it's possible at all at such a great event. The sun shined with all it's possible power, the dresses of the ladys were as much colourful as the flower arangements, there was nearly no security, I took one pic after the other at 3 different events and there was only one thing that really bothered me...
Yes I was a little bit disappointed that not many descendants of the late Countess of Paris were present. I expected more to come. I really missed the Bourbon-Sicilians! The Duchess of Montpensier was invited but she declined. Maybe because of the birth of her new grandson Pierre who was born these days? Fleur's godfather King Simeon of Bulgaria also called off a few days before. What a shame!


All together I had 2 amazing days and I would like to thank Stefan very much who made it possible for me to be there.

Thanks to Alex for the pic!

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Created August 10th 2003. Updated August 17th 2003.