DesignsbySasha ©
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<html> <HEAD> <html> <HEAD> <META HTTP-EQUIV="imagetoolbar" CONTENT="no"> <BODY style="border:0 ridge EE30A7" BACKGROUND="http://img219.imageshack.us/img219/7932/dripzx6.jpg" BGCOLOR="EE30A7"> <BR><style> <!-- BODY{ scrollbar-face-color:#FF007F; scrollbar-arrow-color:#FFFFFF; scrollbar-track-color:# <html> <HEAD> <html> <BR><style> --> </style> <BR> <BR> <P> <TR><TD WIDTH="100%"> <font face="arial bold"size="5"color="FF007F"><center> <br><br><center><img src="http://i499.photobucket.com/albums/rr358/lit_bratz/Fairy%20Pages/flower_fairies.gif"><br><br><br><br> <a href="http://designsbysasha.angelfire.com/"target="_blank"> <br> <font size="4" font face="aramis"><i><b><font color="FF007F"><br> <center><br>Free tourney pages,DesignsbySasha © <br> <border="0"></a> <br><BR> <br><br><br><br>
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Text Codes:
**background colour = leave blank **link colour = FFFFFF **text color = FF007F **headerbackground = leave blank **header text = FFFFFF **small header color = FF007F **title color = FF007F