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Could this be why they are targeting the Chicago Mob ? And did this happen in NYC with Gotti as well? The connection of THE CHICAGO CASINO
Could this be why they are targeting the Chicago Mob ? And did this happen in NYC with Gotti as well? The connection of THE CHICAGO CASINO
For the past year or more the Chicago Sunday Times, and those within the Tribune have written articles about the Urban Leagues of the murders of CRIME FAMILY MEMBERS GOING BACK AS FAR AS 30 years ago, during this report there was a major investigation targeting the older members who in some cases served their time behind bars for crimes of RICCO and other things in the past. Like Joey the Clown Lombardo, famous and connected as far back as his family goes to Al Capone. In his deal on getting out of jail he was not to continue his life of crime, and for most parts there has been no MOB hits nor any other violence on the street since that time. Yes, The Clown was around but the Mob violence moved away from the Old School, Mob to a movement of the Russian Mafia coming into Chicago and its neighboring suburbs. I very new level of prositution, drugs and organized crime hit the area for which the Policing Agencies are NOT INVOLVED IN DOING ANYTHING ABOUT! As more and more came into the area it became more and more apparent that the police was on a see no evil speak no evil umbrella, covering up major ID theft rings, and everything else, but the Italy Mob was not involved to the level that the press will have you believe. Things were ok, it seemed that the Family and the other Mobs and gangs which were coming into the area had a truce of a kind, but then something happened. Atfer Sept 11,2001 the Mayor of Chicago Mayor Richard Daily Declared that Meigs Field was a spot whereby terrorist could enter into the city, the park was torn down, because he claimed that terrorist planes could come in and take off being fueled to take off and point themselves into Chicago Towers. But there was never any Terrorist landing in Meigs it seemed that they wanted the land, nothing more nothing less. At the time I had the Vice President of the friends of Meig Field on my GETV Channel 17 braodcast of Backdoor Stuff Nes in Glen Ellyn, Illinois to explan the actions of the Mayor, and I did this because I had in mind the issue that the Mayor was moving towards using Miegs as a new area for a land based Casino. This was every Mob members dream going back as far as Giancanna who sought to have this happen in either Cuba, Iran or the US until his death. A land base Casino will both puit Chicago on the Map and also add more renvue into the Chicago and the State of Illinois. But in order to do this they needed not only the land but user friendly based Politicians to have all the deals work legally. The plan was going well until it seems that those in the game decided to take it all over and exclude those they did not want to have shares within this deal - that was some of the old school family members of the Italy Mafia like Joey the Clown and others, and could it be that there replacement was the Russians? Nowe within the last week the Newspapers, and the US Attorney are out to get Lombardo, and others while there is a bigger conspiracy not invetigated. On the tail of the reports I have made about the corruption within the Illinois Highways and money money laundered and used by the executives within while there was equipment failure and other scandals within the press in Illinois only wrote two articles about a pinch of the corruption instead they are focusing on Lombardo on crimes going back as far as 30 years. In addition there is the issue of the fact that if they had this DNA evidence where did it come from and why did it take them until many Vegas Hotels, The Donald (Trump) and other are getting ready to move in to Chicago because the land based Casino will net in their eyes revenue they never have seem before on the backs of those traveling the highways and all the other money they can collect off the Tollways, Traffic tickets and others things the public is not noticing is not fixing the issue of the highways. Then there is the issue of the new airport, which will be a gateway for more folks coming in to gamble. But now instead of sharing this it seems that they need to remove the Italian out of the money and have them picked off one by one to replace them with someone else. And connect the dots because this is coming from another area of aproval not judst Illinois but maybe coming out of the WHITEHOUSE ITSELF.
The "King" Al Capone targeted because the Government wanted its share in the Booze Biz  
What really happened with Al Capone, was his government bust because he was netting too much money and the government wanted some of it?

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