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Magnus Thongthang

Character Race Dwarf
Character Level 8
Cleric 8 of Moradin

Character Background

In the treacherous Lortmil Mountains near Valkurl, in a community consisting of Clan Rockhammer, Magnus emerged. As a child, he was subjected to the harsh standards of the Dwarves. Proficiency with weapons and armor as well as learning mining and underground construction was standard fare for the youth in this tribe. His ambition was to become the best weapon smith in the land, but his life goals changed soon enough.

As a young adult, he was part of a group which was to meet up with some dwarves of a nearby community, for a mining expedition. Fortune had other plans. The journey was cut short by two uncooperative giants named Rau and Ahu and a few of their orc henchmen. Magnus and one other by the name Alminer were injured and captured. The other three members of the expedition were silenced. Magnus and his friend were shackled and returned to the giant’s cave where they were forced into labor excavating the lair and grinding grain by hand for their captors.

About 100 days into the ordeal, fortune had it that a group of noble adventurers happened upon the giant’s cave. A fierce battle took place. Amazing spells were cast, ferocious blows were delivered, and holly blessings were administered. The party was victorious leaving the giant Ahu dead along with the orcs. Although injured, Rau managed to escape. Immediately after the battle, a dwarven cleric of Moradin is the Soulforger crushed the shackles freeing Magnus. Thus Magnus took this ordeal as a calling and joined the order becoming a cleric of Moradin.