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At end, when making death's horrors true;
Into self-lost demesnes, must fade Blue. - by R.G.

In older worlds than this one it would have been called the dragon’s breath. A living fog, which gives no care for

direction and conceals all it passes. Ephemeral tendrils of ice move over its billowing and meandering stretches.

Echoing sound pauses the mist for a moment. The low calling hangs in the damp air, then rings again. The bells

tone a third time ere the music of the hour cants. Her companion edifice holds sanctuary to the mistress, and lies

below Anim, a Gate of Kenning.

Through it lies the Blue Flame Demesnes. Seekers of knowledge, wisdom, and enlightenment come to this realm.

Travelers may view the resources of the demesnes in the Raison deTate, find information in the Library, hear the

words of thinkers in the Hall of Voices (the Vox), read of life in the Dungeon, witness the scryings of the mistress in

the Blue tower, or find allies of the realm in the UmbraRain Hall. In all places one sees the work of the mistress

of the Demesnes, but only learned seekers may find Caerigna.

Caerigna's Page

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History of the realm.