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Toronto Mayhem!



Televised Shows

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

April 1st, 2003

Kalifornia Krusha vs. The Terminator (Non-Title Match) gimmick (Standard Match)

Al Berta - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 200 pounds, from California, The Terminator!!! (crowd boos ***)

[Genoration X ]

Al Berta - and his opponent, weighing in at 254 pounds, from San Fransico, California, USA, Kalifornia Krusha!!! (crowd cheers ********)

[California Love by 2-Pac The Terminator drops Kalifornia Krusha with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat. Kalifornia Krusha drops The Terminator with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat. (ding, ding, ding) Kalifornia Krusha catches The Terminator leg, but The Terminator reverses it with an enzuigiri to Kalifornia Krusha's head. Kalifornia Krusha rakes the face of The Terminator in attempt to make a come back. Kalifornia Krusha double underhook faceslams The Terminator hard to the The Terminator. Kalifornia Krusha measures The Terminator up and drops a closed fist. ]

Casey Stevens - Kalifornia Krusha with a fist drop.

[Kalifornia Krusha stands up. Kalifornia Krusha hits The Terminator with an elbowdrop. Kalifornia Krusha gets up. Kalifornia Krusha executes a corkscrew legdrop on The Terminator. The Terminator leaps up, swings around Kalifornia Krusha and DDT's him onto the mat. ]

Chris Tucker - Kalifornia Krusha really felt that leaping swinging DDT!

[Kalifornia Krusha is up again. The Terminator is trying to put Kalifornia Krusha away with a choke sleeper. Bill Kower is checking for a tap out. ... ... The Terminator breaks the hold. The Terminator rakes his fingers across Kalifornia Krusha's back. ]

Lil' Bow Wow - back rake!

[Kalifornia Krusha chops The Terminator. The Terminator double underhook faceslams Kalifornia Krusha hard to the Kalifornia Krusha. Kalifornia Krusha gives The Terminator a reverse neckbreaker. Kalifornia Krusha is up again. The Terminator gets hit with the shooting star press from Kalifornia Krusha. Bill Kower counts. ...1 ...2 The Terminator kicks out. ]

Chris Tucker - You just can't win this early in a match. Especially with an opponent like The Terminator. [The Terminator is back on his feet. Kalifornia Krusha with a high crossbody on The Terminator. ]Casey Stevens - Kalifornia Krusha with a high cross body.

[Kalifornia Krusha gets up. Kalifornia Krusha puts The Terminator in an arm grapevine submission. ]

Al Berta - The Terminator takes a arm grapevine.

[Now The Terminator standing. Kalifornia Krusha comes from behind and bulldogs The Terminator. The Terminator gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Kalifornia Krusha. Kalifornia Krusha moves back to his feet. Kalifornia Krusha knees The Terminator and rolls back to his feet. Kalifornia Krusha executes the German suplex on The Terminator. Kalifornia Krusha stands up. Kalifornia Krusha with executes a bearhug on The Terminator. Bill Kower asks The Terminator if he quits. ... Kalifornia Krusha tightens the hold. ... (AHHHH!) ... ... (AHHHH!) Kalifornia Krusha breaks the hold. ]

Chris Tucker - Ha!

[Kalifornia Krusha stomps The Terminator's head. ]

Al Berta - Kalifornia Krusha with a stomp.

[The Terminator gets hit with the shooting star press from Kalifornia Krusha. Bill Kower counts. ...1 ...2 The Terminator escapes. ]

Chris Tucker - Not even close!

[The Terminator is up again. Flying side kick by The Terminator takes Kalifornia Krusha off his feet. ]

Casey Stevens - Kalifornia Krusha takes a flying side kick.

[Now The Terminator standing. Kalifornia Krusha is up again. Kalifornia Krusha executes a swinging bulldog on The Terminator driving The Terminator's face into the mat. Kalifornia Krusha climbs to his feet. The Terminator is up again. The Terminator legsweeps Kalifornia Krusha. Now Kalifornia Krusha standing. Kalifornia Krusha delivers a spinning backbreak to The Terminator. Kalifornia Krusha grabs The Terminator and applies an arm wrench. Kalifornia Krusha kicks The Terminator on the mat. ]

Al Berta - Kalifornia Krusha executes a stomp.

[The Terminator is back on his feet. Kalifornia Krusha rakes his fingers across The Terminator's back. The Terminator hits Kalifornia Krusha with the double arm DDT into the mat. The Terminator sucks chants start in the crowd. Kalifornia Krusha gets hit with the shooting star press from The Terminator. The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 Kalifornia Krusha kicks out. ]

Lil' Bow Wow - That was almost the end of the match right there!

[Now Kalifornia Krusha standing. ]

Chris Tucker - Ha!

[The Terminator picks up Kalifornia Krusha and executes the cradle DDT. The Terminator sucks chants start in the crowd. The Terminator climbs to his feet. The Terminator drags Kalifornia Krusha to the floor. Bill Kower starts the count (.1) ]

Chris Tucker - These guys are almost as good as me. Wouldn't you agree?

Lil' Bow Wow - Not in this life time.

[The Terminator sends Kalifornia Krusha into Bill Kower he goes down. Kalifornia Krusha gets knocked on the ground and The Terminator flips onto him. The Terminator moves back to his feet. The Terminator puts Kalifornia Krusha in an arm grapevine submission. Corkscrew comes to ringside. Corkscrew chokes Kalifornia Krusha with a microphone cable. Corkscrew executes the guillotine choke on Kalifornia Krusha. Corkscrew is up again. Corkscrew gives Kalifornia Krusha a reverse neckbreaker. Now Corkscrew standing. Ordered is restored. Bill Kower gets up. They head back into the ring. The Terminator climbs to the top turnbuckle and jumps off with an Air Sabu on Kalifornia Krusha. The Terminator climbs to his feet. Kalifornia Krusha stands up. The Terminator spins aroround Kalifornia Krusha's back and DDT's him into the mat. The Terminator gets back to his feet. Corkscrew jumps back in and they apply a Boston crab and a cross face. Kalifornia Krusha taps out!

Chris Tucker - The Terminator has won the match!

Al Berta - The winner of this match, The Terminator!!!

[Corkscrew and The Terminator shake hands]

Commercial Break

Bridget Jenkins vs. Ewi Bwownwee (Non-Title Match) gimmick (Standard Match)

Al Berta - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 70 pounds, from Montreal, Quebec, Canada, Bridget Jenkins!!! (crowd cheers )

[Bridget Jenkins comes to the ring. ]

Al Berta - and his opponent, weighing in at 13 pounds, from United States Of America, Ewi Bwownwee!!! (crowd cheers )

[Backstreets Back by Backstreet Boys Bill Kower checks Bridget Jenkins's boots and knee pads. Ewi Bwownwee poops himself! it's coming down his pants! (ding, ding, ding) Bridget Jenkins punches Ewi Bwownwee repeatedly. Bridget Jenkins trys for a power move but is unable to lift Ewi Bwownwee.Ewi Bwownwee sends Bridget Jenkins to ringside. They fight into the aisle. (..2) Ewi Bwownwee trys for a power move but is unable to lift Bridget Jenkins.Ewi Bwownwee trys for a power move but is unable to lift Bridget Jenkins.(...3) Zip! Ewi Bwownwee chants start. Bridget Jenkins moves back to his feet. Ewi Bwownwee trys for a power move but is unable to lift Bridget Jenkins.(....4) Ewi Bwownwee trys for a power move but is unable to lift Bridget Jenkins.Ewi Bwownwee trys for a power move but is unable to lift Bridget Jenkins.(.....5) ]

Lil' Bow Wow - They better get back to the ring!

[Ewi Bwownwee pisses on his opponent!. Ewi Bwownwee chants start. Ewi Bwownwee punches Bridget Jenkins repeatedly. (......6) Ewi Bwownwee trys for a power move but is unable to lift Bridget Jenkins.Ewi Bwownwee trys for a power move but is unable to lift Bridget Jenkins.(.......7) ] Chris Tucker - They'll be counted out if they don't return to the ring. Ewi Bwownwee trys for a power move but is unable to lift Bridget Jenkins.Ewi Bwownwee trys for a power move but is unable to lift Bridget Jenkins.

[(........8 Ewi Bwownwee pisses on his opponent!.Ewi Bwownwee pisses on his opponent Ewi Bwownwee pisses on his opponent!. Ewi Bwownwee goes to the ring. (.........9)(...........10). Ewi goes out and poops on Bridget Jenkins As Ewi Bwownwee walks up the aisle Bridget Jenkins Barfs on him there goes lunch!]

Casey Stevens - Ewi Bwownwee has won the match!

Al Berta - The winner of this match, Ewi Bwownwee!!!

Commercial Break

Niak-O vs. The One The Only (Non-Title Match) gimmick (Standard Match)

Al Berta - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 123 pounds, from Lesotho, Africa, Niak-O!!! (crowd cheers ***********)

[I can by Nas ]

Al Berta - and his opponent, weighing in at 220 pounds,, The One The Only!!! (crowd cheers *********)

[Ain't No SunShine by DMX Niak-O walks around the ring. Bill Kower checks The One The Only's boots and knee pads. (the bell rings) Niak-O executes the jumping sidekick on The One The Only. The One The Only is back on his feet. Niak-O mule kicks The One The Only. Niak-O gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face. Niak-O hits a koppo kick on The One The Only. The One The Only stands up. Niak-O hits The One The Only with the back of his elbow. The One The Only hits a flying karate chop right to Niak-O's neck. Flying somersault drop kick by The One The Only puts him back in the match. ]

Chris Tucker - Niak-O takes a flying somersault dropkick.

[The One The Only gets up. Niak-O on the turnbuckleThe One The Only rising from the mat,Niak-O leaps from the top rope with a bodypress. Niak-O stands up. The One The Only is up again. The One The Only sets Niak-O up on the top rope, then he powerbombs him onto the mat! The One The Only and Niak-O go to the floor Bill Kower starts the count (.1) ]

Lil' Bow Wow - Don't you dare switch the channel!

[Niak-O gets back to his feet. (..2) Niak-O superkicks The One The Only. The One The Only is up again. (...3) Niak-O holds his head after recieving an earringer from The One The Only. (....4) The One The Only is hit with a backward kick. (.....5) They fight into the aisle. Niak-O and The One The Only move back to ringside. Niak-O and The One The Only move back into the ring. Niak-O hits him with a back fist. ]

Al Berta - Niak-O executes a back fist.

[Flying side kick by The One The Only takes Niak-O off his feet. The One The Only is back on his feet. Niak-O gets up. Niak-O connects with a flying knee. The One The Only goes down. Niak-O punches The One The Only in the gut. The One The Only gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face. ]

Chris Tucker - The One The Only takes a elbow smash.

[The One The Only sets Niak-O up on the top turnbuckle, then hooks him up and slams him with a DVD off the top. Niak-O is locked in an elbow submission by The One The Only. The referee is checking the situation. ... The One The Only tightens the hold. ... ... Niak-O is fighting the hold. The One The Only breaks the hold. The One The Only goes off the top turnbuckle and double foot stomps Niak-O. ]

Casey Stevens - Niak-O takes a flying double foot stomp.

[The One The Only climbs to his feet. Out of desperation, The One The Only dives from the second turnbuckle, shoulder blocking Niak-O. The One The Only climbs to his feet. Niak-O gets hit with a diving elbow smash from The One The Only. Niak-O gets up. Niak-O with a jumping DDT on The One The Only. Niak-O executes a corkscrew legdrop on The One The Only. ]

Chris Tucker - corkscrew legdrop by Niak-O.

[The One The Only gets back to his feet. The One The Only jumps off the turnbuckle with the flying bodypress on Niak-O. The One The Only gets up. Niak-O climbs to his feet. The One The Only gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face. The One The Only hits a jumping elbow hrust on Niak-O. The One The Only elbows Niak-O in the stomach, trying to even the match. ]

Lil' Bow Wow - The One The Only executes a elbow to midsection.

[Niak-O grabs The One The Only by the arm and breaks it over his shoulder. The One The Only attempts to kick Niak-O, but Niak-O catches his leg. The One The Only flips around and kicks Niak-O. The One The Only moves back to his feet. The One The Only hits Niak-O with an elbowdrop. The One The Only gets up. Niak-O moves back to his feet. A Frankensteiner by The One The Only tatoos Niak-O's forhead with the mat's texture. The One The Only sends Niak-O to ringside. Bill Kower starts the count (.1) ]

Al Berta - The World Wrestling Federation is the number on wrestling program on television.

[The One The Only hits a huge flying legdrop onto the lying Niak-O. The One The Only hits a frog splash on Niak-O. The One The Only is back on his feet. The One The Only takes Niak-O into the ring. Niak-O gets kneed in the stomach by The One The Only when The One The Only jumped off the top rope. The One The Only hits Niak-O with a moonsault after springboarding off of the second rope. The One The Only climbs to his feet. Niak-O recieves a 5 Star Frog Splash from The One The Only off of the top rope. The One The Only goes for a pin. Bill Kower counts the pin. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]

Lil' Bow Wow - The One The Only has won the match!

Al Berta - The winner of this match, The One the Only!!!

Commercial Break

Corkscrew vs. Dusty vs. The Hammer (T.V.) gimmick (Standard Match)

Al Berta - This match is a Standard Match for the T.V. title. Coming to the ring first, weighing in at 300 pounds, from Edmonton, Alberta, Corkscrew!!! (crowd boos **************)

[Wait And Bleed by Slipknot plays as Corkscrew comes down to the ring ]

Al Berta - The second in this three way match, weighing in at 228 pounds, from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, Dusty!!! (crowd cheers *****)

[Always by Saliva ]

Al Berta - And third, weighing in at 228 pounds, from Edmonton, Alberta, The Hammer!!! (crowd cheers ***********)

[Denial by Project Wyze Corkscrew drops Dusty with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat. Dusty places The Hammer on the turnbuckle and executes a front-layout suplerplex. Bill Kower checks The Hammer's boots and knee pads. (the bell rings) The Hammer hits him with a back fist. Corkscrew hits The Hammer with a rolling elbow smash to the face. The Hammer gets back to his feet. Corkscrew is hit with a backward kick. Corkscrew gets hit with a diving elbow smash from The Hammer. The Hammer gets back to his feet. The Hammer fist drops Corkscrew on the mat. ]

Casey Stevens - fist drop!

[Now The Hammer standing. The Hammer knees Corkscrew and rolls back to his feet. The Hammer executes a corkscrew legdrop on Corkscrew. ]

Al Berta - The Hammer executes a corkscrew legdrop.

[Corkscrew gets hit with a diving elbow smash from The Hammer. The Hammer stands up. Corkscrew is back on his feet. Corkscrew hits The Hammer with the crotch slam. Corkscrew sucks chants start in the crowd. The Hammer gets locked into the headscissors submission by Corkscrew. The referee is checking the situation. ... Corkscrew tightens the hold. ... ... The Hammer is fighting the hold. Dusty attacks Corkscrew breaking the hold. ]

Lil' Bow Wow - This is the best match in the history of the WORLD!!

[The Hammer gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Corkscrew. ]

Al Berta - The Hammer takes a diving elbow smash.

[Corkscrew is back on his feet. Corkscrew gets hit with a back heel kick. The Hammer measures Corkscrew up and drops a closed fist. The Hammer climbs to his feet. The Hammer covers Corkscrew hooking the leg. Bill Kower counts the pin. ...1 Corkscrew escapes. ]

Lil' Bow Wow - The Hammer should have known better than to try for a pin at this point in the match.

[Corkscrew gets up. The Hammer jabs Corkscrew. ]

Casey Stevens - The Hammer executes a jab.

[The Hammer executes the jumping sidekick on Corkscrew. The Hammer executes a corkscrew legdrop on Corkscrew. The Hammer gets back to his feet. Corkscrew climbs to his feet. The Hammer kicks Corkscrew in the stomach. Corkscrew is up again. Dusty kicks Corkscrew in the stomach and executes the sitdown face slam. Now Dusty standing. Dusty puts the chicken wing on Corkscrew. Referee Bill Kower is checking for a tap out. ... ... Corkscrew escapes. Dusty hits Corkscrew with an elbowdrop. Dusty stands up. Dusty knees Corkscrew and rolls back to his feet. Corkscrew pulls Dusty's hair. Dusty hits a koppo kick on Corkscrew. Corkscrew gets up. The Hammer leg lariats Corkscrew, sending him to the mat. ]

Chris Tucker - Corkscrew takes a leg lariat.

Casey Stevens - I wish every match could be like this!

[Dusty trys for a knee drop but Corkscrew avoids it. Corkscrew gets back to his feet. ]

Chris Tucker - Corkscrew is getting the crap kicked out of him!

[The Hammer kicks Corkscrew in the gut, takes a few steps back, and scissor kicks him to the mat. ]

Al Berta - The Extreme Wrestling World is the number on wrestling program on television.

[The Hammer knees Corkscrew and rolls back to his feet. Corkscrew is back on his feet. Corkscrew tackles The Hammer. Corkscrew is up again. Corkscrew executes a corkscrew legdrop on The Hammer. Corkscrew is up again. Corkscrew goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on The Hammer. Corkscrew is up again. The Hammer dropkicks Corkscrew to the face. The Hammer is back on his feet. The Hammer covers Corkscrew hooking the leg. Bill Kower counts. ...1 ...2 Corkscrew kicks out. ]

[The Hammer mule kicks Corkscrew. The Hammer executes a corkscrew legdrop on Corkscrew. Corkscrew suplexes Dusty. Corkscrew fist drops Dusty on the mat. Corkscrew choke slams Dusty. Dusty looks to be out cold! Dusty gets hit with the CORKDRIVER! Bill Kower counts the pin. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]

Lil' Bow Wow - We've got ourselves a winner!

Al Berta - The winner of this match, and new T.V. champion, Corkscrew!!!
