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This is the items section of the game, you can buy items at any time as long as you are on the same planet as the item
You get items from emailing me at
Karins shop-
Sensu bean-replenishes all health and ki-200zenni
Sensu bag-allows you to carry 8 sensu beans at one time-800zenni
Sun glasses-allows you to block solar flare-250zenni
Weighted clothing-after training or winning a fight you get +5 put to all stats -10 speed while wearing *note if you only have 10 speed you cannot wear this if you are using this during battle or training tell me-600zenni
Super weigted clothing -after training or winning a fight you get +10 put to all stats -20 speed while wearing *note if you only have 20 speed then you cannot wear this if you are using this in battle or in training tell me-1200zenni
Ultra weighted clothing-after training or winning a fight you get +20 put onto all stats -40 speed while wearing*note if you only have 40 speed you cannot wear this if you are using this in training or battle tell me-2400zenni
Leather armor- +10 defence*note if you are using this in battle tell me-600zenni
Steel plate armor- +20 defence*note if you are using this during battle tell me-1,200zenni
Capsule Corp-
Space Ship Y-allows you to fly to any planet, it takes 10 days to get to each planet using space ship Y-10,000zenni
Space Ship Z-Travels 30%faster than Y and includes a gravity chamber so that you can train and travel at the same time, it takes 7 days to get to a planet-15,000
Gravity Chamber- allows you to train in the gravity chamber-10,000zeni
Capsule House-allows you to stay at your house to recover health and Ki or rent it out to other players * each day in the house you recover 40% of your health and Ki, can be transported in capsule form-20,000zenni
Dragon radar-This allows you to find dragon balls 3 days sooner-2,000zenni
Saiyan's General Store
Weighted clothing-after training or winning a fight you get +5 put to all stats -10 speed while wearing*note if you only have 10 speed you cannot wear this if you are wearing this during battle or training tell me-400zenni
Super weighted clothing -after training or winning a fight you get +10 put to all stats -20 speed while wearing *note if you only have 20 speed then you cannot wear this if you are using this in battle or in training tell me-1,000zenni
Ultra weighted clothing-after training or winning a fight you get +15 put onto all stats -40 speed while wearing*note if you only have 40 speed you cannot wear this if you are using this in training or battle tell me-2,000zenni
Leather armor- +10 defence*note if you are using this in battle tell me-400zenni
Steel plate armor- +15 defence *note if you are using this during battle tell me-1,000zenni
Platnium Plate armor- +25 defence *if you are using this during battle let me know-2,000zenni
Reguvinator-when you are in it you recover 40%health and KI per day (can be modified onto your ship for 500zenni)-1,500zenni
Space Ship X- This allows you to travel to any planet in 12 days-10,000zenni
House- Have a house on vegeta allows you to rent out to people or rest in each day in house makes you recover 40% of health and Ki, not transportable-5,000zenni
Green General -
Weighted clothing-after training or winning a fight you get +5 put to all stats -10 speed while wearing*note if you only have 10 speed you cannot wear this if you are wearing this during battle or training tell me-600zenni
Super weigted clothing -after training or winning a fight you get +10 put to all stats -20 speed while wearing *note if you only have 20 speed then you cannot wear this if you are using this in battle or in training tell me-1200zenni
Ultra weighted clothing-after training or winning a fight you get +15 put onto all stats -40 speed while wearing*note if you only have 40 speed you cannot wear this if you are using this in training or battle tell me-2400zenni
Leather armor- +10 defence*note if you are using this in battle tell me-600zenni
Steel plate armor- +15 defence*note if you are using this during battle tell me-1200zenni
Namek Corp -
Space Ship A-this is to transport you to other planets space ship a can transport you to another planet in 8 days-10,000zenni
Space Ship B-this is to transport you to other planets space ship b can transport you to another planet in 6 days-12,000zenni
Dragon Radar-helps you find the dragon balls 3 days sooner-2,000zenni
Icers General
Weighted clothing-after training or winning a fight you get +5 put to all stats -10 speed while wearing*note if you only have 10 speed you cannot wear this if you are wearing this during battle or training tell me-400zenni
Super weigted clothing -after training or winning a fight you get +10 put to all stats -20 speed while wearing *note if you only have 20 speed then you cannot wear this if you are using this in battle or in training tell me-1000zenni
Ultra weighted clothing-after training or winning a fight you get +15 put onto all stats -40 speed while wearing*note if you only have 40 speed you cannot wear this if you are using this in training or battle tell me-2000zenni
Leather armor- +10 defence*note if you are using this in battle tell me-400zenni
Steel plate armor- +15 defence*note if you are using this during battle tell me-1000zenni
Platnium Plate armor- +25 defence*if you are using this during battle let me know-2000zenni
Space Ship X- This allows you to travel to any planet in 12 days-10,000zenni
House- Have a house on icer allows you to rent out to people or rest in each day in house makes you recover 40% of health, not transportable-4,000zenni