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Black dragons: black dragons live in any marsh and underground. black dragons are evil-tempered, cunning, and malevolent, characteristics that are reflected in their crafty sinister faces. they are sometimes known as "skull dragon" because of their deep-socketed eyes and distinctive nasal opening. adding to the skeletal impression is the gradual deterioration of the hide around the horn base and cheekbones. this increases with age and does not harm the dragon. on hatching, a black dragon's scales are thin, small, and glossy. as the dragon ages, they become larger, thicker, and duller, helping it camouflage itself in swamps and marshes.

black dragons lair in large, damp caves and multichambered subterranean caverns. they smell of rotting vegetation and foul water.

Combat: black dragons prefer to ambush their targets, using their surroundings as cover. when fighting in heavily forested swamps and marshes, they try to stay in the water for they have unlimited water breathing ability.

breath weapon: a black dragon has one type of breath weapon, a stream of acid.