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Copper dragons: copper dragons live in temperate hills mountains and underground. copper dragons are incorrigible pranksters, joke tellers, and riddles. most are good-natured but also have a covetous, miserly streak. they are powerful jumpers and climbers, with massive thighs and shoulders. at birth, a copper dragon's scales have a ruddy brown color with a metallic tint. as the dragon gets older, the scales become finer and more coppery, assuming a soft, warm gloss by the young adult stage. very old dragons' scales pick up a green tint.

copper dragons like dry, rocky uplands and mountains. they lair in narrow caves and often conceal the entrances using spells of theirs called move earth and stone shape. within the lair, they construct twisting mazes with open tops that allow the dragon to fly or jump over intruders. copper dragons are determined hunters, considering good sport at least as important as the food. they are known to eat almost anything, including metal ores. however, they prize large poisonous creatures (they say the venom sharpens their wit). the dragon's digestive system can handle the venom safely, although injected venoms affect them normally.

combat: copper dragons appreciate wit and don't usually harm creatures who can relate a joke, humorous story, or riddle they have not heard before. they quickly get annoyed with anyone who doesn't laugh at their jokes or accept their tricks with good humor. they like to taunt and annoy opponents into giving up or acting foolishly.

breath weapon: copper dragons have two types of breath weapon, a stream of acid and a wave of slow gas.