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Irrashaimase, this website is all about Heather and Levi's Magna Dragon Soul, This manga has taken up most of my life, so this website when done should be pretty cool. Okay this is part of the big update my dang computer has a virus. Okay about the stuff i have wrote forget about it i have Amanda the writer yay ^^ Okay im like already working on the 5th Season errr im like really getting good at this. But its gonna take a litte time to get this all done. So far i have Characters done, their outfits, their attacks, and other stuff. Giggles im gonna have lots of Yaoi and Yuri in this story.
Dragoons are like a super race of cross breeds of mystical creatures with gifted abilitys and super powers. That seem to be awaken in 2000 by an evil that wants to destory Neo Earth. They are mostly teenagers already facing their own lives plus saving the world at the same time soe homework should be a breeze lol. Heather and Levi tend to lead the Light Dragons to fight the Dark Dragons to find the Soul Crystals to become stronger and unlock hidden power deep within them.

Character Upgrades

Like all animes the Characters become stronger and get new outfits, like everyone but a few have human forms. When a Dragoon gets a lot of Soul Crystals they go to the next stage. Exp Heather Hino (human) - Phoenix (Dragoon) - Dark Phoenix (Dragoon lv 2) and you should get the point for a few they can only reach these higher stages with speical things like weapons or items. Okay like some Characters have more than one elemental ability in there second stage one of those elements takes over. Their Attack power also Doubles and they have more use of there wings and some get tails or other features that their type has. When a Dark Dragon goes up to another stage its called Chaos Transformation which means they can skip a stage or fuse with a darker power. Oh and when Light Dragons go to a higher stages its call Heaven's Transformation. Like an Exp of Chaos is Jennifer Tomoe (human) - Jade (Dragoon) - Black Jade (Chaos lv ??) Normaly she would go into Dark Jade (Dragoon Lv 2) By fuseing with Darkness she unleashed a Chaos Stage. In the second stages Phoenix, Shaya, Rogue, and Shaido need their weapons to get their which they find! Their Weapons also have the ability to heal.

Soul Crystals

One of the Earth's engery gifts to the dragoons which can also be used for evil. Melody knows the true secrets to them cuss she somewhat created them. The Crystals are also a seal to the Gemstones, so collecting so many will break that seal and let them lose which the Dark Dragons are after. The Crystals are hidden all over the Earth and there is about billion of them but someone them are so strong they can upgrade a Dragoon! The color of them lets you know how strong they are so if its a lighter color its a weak one and can give a Dragoon a New Attack or body strength like Speed or Crisma. If its Darker its really powerful and will give the ability to upgrade also later the Dragoons lose their humans forms do to these power Soul Crystals. Dragoons are born with Soul Crystal already so when they come arcossed one it will fuse in there chest and can be very painful.

Dragon Soul Stuff

Pokemon Neo
Your Wings Are Mine!
Amanda steller's site


rogue_vaporeon got their Neopet at