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Survivor Evolution

Welcome to Survivor: Evolution

What we have here in a very complex RPG {Role Playing Game}. The series it's from is mostly X-Men: Evolution, where the mutants of both the Brotherhood and X-Men are teens.

Unlike most other RPG's, I didn't want the hassle of them being grown up....reality sucks. And I didn't want to do the normal Evo RPG's cuz that means RPing school. Those posts NEVER work. I've been an Evo player for 2-3 years. They never work.

So, some friends and I discussed something different. We wanted a very fast-paced game with an interesting plot. We came up with Survivor: Evolution. The title being a joke with the Survivor craze going on.

The mutants of Bayville {and some others} are in for the time of their lives. Forge has created another doo-hickey to help Kurt {Nightcrawler} develop and understand his powers...again. However, the Brotherhood has come to mess things up...and boy did they. During Kurt's teleport, it reacted with the device sending them into another dimension between ports...but not that sulfurace dimension...a primitive one much like earth.

The primitive dimension is called Denora by the residents. The portal has snapped throughout time and space to pluck mutants from different times and dimensions to Denora and splat them in different locations.

Unlike other Evo games where it's Bom vs. X-Men, we destroyed the concept. BoM and X-Men are intermingled in two different tribes together and are forced to cooperate if they wish to survive.


1. You must be able to post very often. We move very fast. On the average day we can hit 100-250 posts in a single day if most players are on at the same time.

2. Your character must be approved and placed before you begin.

3. ALL areas must be filled out. Meaning you actually DO have to visit the Yahoo board and fill out things. You must create a file with your name on it, and album and you must fill out all Database forms. Don't get intimidated...once that's done, it's smooth sailing.

4. Please post which tribe you are posting for. This becomes second nature, don't worry. Also mark OOC's properly.

5. Anything questionable, please rate. I do allow graphic stuff if it is properly rated.

6. Any relative characters must be approved by the relative player and the mod.

7. Please use the bio form provided. We are trying to keep a uniform format. Everything I want to know about your character is already listed on that bio form.

8. Relationships must be discussed with mod and player if desired "other."

9. You can play as many characters as you can handle. I find juggling characters is easier like this for some reason.

10. NO flaming or spamming. This is a game. Play. No OT stuff and minimal OOC, please.

11. No godmoding or powerplaying. Don't let the term God in play fool you.

Everything you need to know will either be here or sent to you upon joining.

Characters Needed

Spyke/Evan Daniels

Any new recruits

Yes, even established characters need bio forms. There is no Mystique, Magneto, Xavier, Storm or Wolverine. All adults are made-ups and all answer to a previously chosen chief. There is a databse for the cast and who is taken.


Lovecraft: Is a tribe that is landed on the outskirts of the woods and the wide open plains. But, this is a strange world, for shortly to the East is a beach and to the West is Crocodile Lake. This tribe is an all-mutant tribe...a handful of our droppies from other worlds. The chief, Hunter Tolensky, a raptor-like individual with his father's determination and mother's temper, must lead them through day to day decisions.

Crocodile: Is a non-mutant tribe that lives on the opposing bank of Crocodile Lake. The chief, Webweb, is a moral chief who leads a peaceful and fun-loving tribe of primitives. Their main resource is fish and clay. They have a non-resident "god/spirit" named Kwami who is working as a guide to the Lovecraft crew.

Kado: Is an all-mutant tribe where our other droppies landed. This is a treetop tribe that rests above the ground but below the canopy of the rainforest/jungle. It is always wet and hot. Led by Read, a goodlooking man from a military family, they are learning to identify the good from the poisonous and the good from the bad.

Red Fang: Is the neighbors of Kado. A savage tribe with questionable morals who live in a tree/stilt top villaige. Their main resource is metals and weapons. They have 2 semi-resident mutants {god/spirit}. The spirit guide, Shikon, and the semi-resident patron god, Hiei.

Delos: Is a resident tribe of non-mutants with resident gods up in the cold stone mountains of Denora. The twin gods, Apollo and Artemis rule over the tribe over a chief. The main resource is of course stones, but also a great resource for jewelery and spirituality.

Gemininia: A tribe noted for the twin-spirit. This tribe is a non-mutant tribe with resident "goddesses" which ironically are two droppies: Psyche and Ebony. Not much is known about this tribe...cept that it's friendly.

Animalia: An all mutant tribe of rogues. All the members have animalistic mutations, basically humanoid animals. The chief, San San, is a crude woman who is bitter towards normal humans. Her tribe may or may not follow her view, but she has offered them a haven where they may be who they are instead of catering to the amusement of the disrespectful humans who outcast them.

Red Claw: Rogue tribe. A primitive form of a tight-knit a nutshell.

Are Cross-Overs Allowed?

Yeah sure. A lot of the characters in the game are modifcations from anime series. But, as for the ACTUAL character from the ACTUAL series? No. There has to be modifications so that they can fit into the story. Trust me, you'll get the hang of it. All the hard work is getting started.


You MUST have a Yahoo ID to join this group. The game depends on our database system for organization as well as our albums and files. You MUST be able to access these features.

If you have an AIM, or MSN, or even Yahoo msger, expect to hear from other players. We tend to stay close-knit and work out plots together all the time. Using AIM with us or MSN may make your stay a lot easier.

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