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Héctor S. Córdova

"Do or do not there is no try" Yoda


        My name is Héctor Stevan Córdova but if you want you can call me Ishmael. I was born on July 30th, 1982 and raised in Iowa City, Iowa. My family is somewhat fragmented. I dont talk with my father or his side of the family and my aunt is at semi-war with my mother. I get along just fine with my cousins but spend most of my time with friends over the net or hang out in reality. I finally moved down here to Florida about 5 years ago. Big surprise not much to do here either.
        I lived in Iowa City almost my whole life. There was nothing to do in Iowa except play games and go to the mall. Thats how I got my interest into video games and cards I guess. I used to make drawings and place them on cards giving them new names. I also write stories and like items for video games. (I have yet to create any.)

A great influence

My greatest influence had to have been my grandmother. She always told me to follow my heart and dreams to accomplish what I wanted. She also told me the truth on works I had completed and never gave me BS. If she didn't like it she said so. Thats what I always loved about her. My grandmother had taught me truth, whether you like it or not, and also compassion.