GM Egbert's House Rules

I will operate games using the following "House Rules." Unless otherwise stated, I will follow the standards and conventions used by the other GMs within Kaomaris, and, of course, will abide by the rules voted into place by the WOK Supreme Council.

WOK4 Games

  1. Who Can Play. Only 2 players from the same clan will be allowed in the same game.
  2. No Headhunting. Unless otherwise specifically mentioned in a game's setup/comments, attacking a player's home province on turn 1 (i.e., "Headhunting"), is prohibited in any of my games.
  3. Submitting Orders. Turns for advanced WOK4 games will be run every 3 or 4 days. Turns for beginner games will be run less often at the start of the game, and will approach every 3 or 4 days as the players pick-up on getting their orders in. Deadlines for orders should be strictly followed by the players. I will try to run turns within a few hours of the deadline. I may accept orders that come in before I begin processing the turn, even if it is after the deadline.
  4. Players Who "Quit". Players who do not get orders in before the turn is run will be marked as having missed the turn. The only exception to this is for players who e-mail me and tell me that they don't plan on turning any orders in. Players who miss 3 consecutive turns will be marked as "Quit" and will be out of the game. The same result will occur if a player informs me that he or she is "Quitting" the game. The exception to this is if a player has no more troops --- then he is out of the game, but not marked as "Quit." Note that if a player is marked as "Quit" in one of my games, I reserve the right to ban that player for 1 game.
  5. Too Many "Quit"s. Games will be run with at least 8 players, with those spots not being filled as counted as "Quit" players. If 5 or more players are marked as "Quit," then the remaining players will play for only 1 VP. However, I reserve the right to continue the game for the full number of VPs if, in my discretion, I believe that a "Quit" player was on the verge of being eliminated from the game anyway.
  6. Winning the Game. To win in WOK4, all players must be eliminated or must unanimously agree as to who is/are the victor(s). A player can win by himself (in which case he would gain 2 VPs) or through an alliance with another player (in which case each would gain 1 VP). A vote to end the game is allowed at any time, but in order for the game to end, all players must agree as to the VP award. Players who do not vote are counted as having conceded victory in the manner proposed.

WOK5 Games

  1. Who can play. Only 2 players from the same clan will be allowed in the same game.
  2. No Headhunting. Unless otherwise specifically mentioned in a game's setup/comments, attacking a player's home province on turn 1 (i.e., "Headhunting"), is prohibited in any of my games.
  3. Submitting Orders. Turns will usually be run every 3 or 4 days. Deadlines for orders should be strictly followed by the players. I will try to run turns within a few hours of the deadline. I may accept orders that come in before I begin processing the turn, even if it is after the deadline.
  4. Players who "Quit". Players who do not get orders in before the turn is run will be marked as having missed the turn. The only exception to this is for players who e-mail me and tell me that they don't plan on turning any orders in. Players who miss 3 consecutive turns will be marked as "Quit" and will be out of the game. The same result will occur if a player informs me that he or she is "Quitting" the game. The exception to this is if a player has no more troops --- then he is out of the game, but not marked as "Quit." Note that if a player is marked as "Quit" in one of my games, I reserve the right to ban that player for 1 game.
  5. Too Many "Quit"s. Games will be run with at least 8 players, with those spots not being filled as counted as "Quit" players. If 5 or more players are marked as "Quit," then the remaining players will play for only 1.5 VPs. However, I reserve the right to continue the game for the full number of VPs if, in my discretion, I believe that a "Quit" player was on the verge of being eliminated from the game anyway.
  6. Game Variations. The variant rules available for WOK5 (8-city rule, no-player-without-a-city rule, bad weather & bridges rule, and the teleport rule) will be decided on a game-by-game basis, and will be indicated on that game's individual page.
  7. Winning the Game. Except for "8-city rule" games (or other "X-Games"), to win in WOK5, all players must be eliminated or must unanimously agree as to who is/are the victor(s). A player can win by himself (in which case he would gain 3 VPs) or through an alliance with another player (in which case each would gain 1.5 VPs). A vote to end the game is allowed at any time, but in order for the game to end, all players must agree as to the VP award. Players who do not vote are counted as having conceded victory in the manner proposed.

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