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April 5, 2003

Well, we started down to try NToV today. Grueling 7 hour raid, but the knowledge and loot was well worth it. First we did Named in HoT.

Gratz various people on various Symbols.

Now it was time for us to get ready. Ikatair the Venom was our first target, and an unworthy opponent.

Gratz Shadohawk on Ancient Wyvern Hide Boots
Gratz Battlesaur on Ancient Wyvern Hide Tunic

Then we continued onward to fight the mighty Eashen of the Sky. But he wasn't so mighty either.

Gratz Kelon on Fist of Lightening
Gratz Binamar on Mask of the Sky
Gratz Sprigg on Twisted Steel Gauntlets

After a little bit of time we got ready to head for Aary. So the non-KoS headed to the NToV door. We lined up and group by group went into the door. Not too many were lucky, here is one of the 4 screenshots. These are a result of bad movement into NToV...

Soon after some effort we made our way to Aary's spot. Mean mob he is. We got him to 60% on our first attempt, no kill, but here's a picture anyways.