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North Temple of Veeshan

Well, LoM was nice enough to give us a reshot at Aary on Sunday. So we gathered the troops and headed to ToV. At about 4pm we started clearing to NToV. By 5pm we were in NToV and getting ready for Aary. A little smack and slap and Aary was taking a dirt nap. Pretty nice pics below. Great job all.

Group Photo!

Okay, Aary is dead and we're on the rotation now /cheer. But we weren't done yet. Time to farm this shit hardcore style. We kept together and moved on. First we got bitchslapped a few times.. Flurry + Shield = Dead Shielder. Then we pushed through the Flurries and onto the big guys. Our first real encounter, after Aary, was Lord Feshlak. Easy mob, fun time, pics below.

And down foes Feshlak for the three count.

Well, Fesh is out and taking his dirt nap, only fair to give Dagarn one. This dragon was cake just like Fesh. Man we were pwning this place.

One, two, three, others down and now, a fourth to join. Yes, it was Lord Kreizenn's turn to die.
Doesn't he look so precious? No, but ah well.

Well, we've got bigger fish to fry than Kreiz... literally. Lord Kio'Doken was up next.
AHHH! It's Fay's mommy!
Big fishy go boom!

On a final note, I'm going to spend an hour now and list all the loot =P. Okay... here goes...

Congratz the following...

Melancholly on Katana of Pain
Ennd on Amulet of the Dreadgazer
Battlesaur on Mask of Fall
Ryzel on Barrier of Sound
Sprigg on Vambraces of Discontent
Sprigg on Bow of the Destroyer
Calhoon on Belt of the Destroyer
Btex on Dagarn's Tail
Tambuk on Ancient Fire Etched Flamberge
Qilinya on Shiny Metallic Sleeves
Fonina on Shield of Dragonkind
Dindain on Orb of Infinite Void
Barek on Ring of Superiority
Baracca on Ancient Pirate's Eyepatch
Btex on
Net of the Deep Sea
Koleto on Orb of the Deep Sea
Sprigg on Ancient Tarnished Bracer for Deceiver's Bracer
Zephron on Ancient Tarnished Plate Greaves for Shining Greaves

All the loots I got, gratz to all who were awarded something!

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