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Art by Ian

Yeah, I know this is just an angelfire page. but if if you buy a pic I will be able to get a site and host my comic (and maybe yours!) heh heh


One character
Just pic: $5.00 Preview
Colored pic: $10.00 Preview
Colored pic w/ bg: $ 15.00 No preview.

More than One
two : 1.5 times price of one character. ex: 2 characters colored $15.00
Three 2 times the price of one.
More than 3? Talk to me. (hey! I just made a ryme!)

Pics for neopets:
same as above but if you want you can pay me in neopoints.
$1 = 1000np. My user is Ianzyel

Email me with your request. (my email address is at the bottom of the page!)

How it works: I draw the pic then say its ready, then I send a paypal request to be paid and then you can pay me without an account, then you send the money, and I email you the pic!

If you just want to donate so I can get a site, I may decide to host your comic. if so emailme and I'll do the paypal thing.

 OH YEAH! my True Supa form!

Ian got his NeoPet at

The Sonic the Hedgehog, Legend of Zelda and anime Neocircle!
This NeoCircle is owned by iantrev.
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