Greetings my name is Trent Ratliff I am a Ridgecrest native, twenty-five years old, and my wife, Sabrina, is six months pregnant (as of Dec. 10th).. I have been drawing for as long as I can remember but I used to think I would become a computer programmer like my father. Then I discovered that I could draw on the computer. I began on our family computer, an old Texas Instruments Pegasus, then in Junior High School I took a class on Apple IIe’s doing Apple Logo. (Remember the ‘turtle’?) I was denied the opportunity of taking any classes in high school because there weren’t any. So it wasn’t until I came up the hill to Cerro Coso that I was able to take any more instruction in CG. I got an Associates Degree in Art and took a few digital imaging courses. I am pretty good with Photoshop, Freehand 7, and Flash. I’ve also had experience with NeMo, and Softimage but not extensively. My interests in reading as well as drawing are in Science fiction and Fantasy settings.