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*The Big Guy*

Hi I'm Jon, I've been an artist 18 plus years now. I started practicing on my self when I was very young and boy have I come a long way since then!!! I wouldn't change any of it, I love my job , being my own boss, or so I say when my wife is not around, hahahahaha! I presently have over 300 tattoos, Amanda says one day she will count them all, I have had 27 piercings all together and always looking for something new to advertise. My favorite parts of tattooing are my speed, consistency and my quality. My specialties are black work and shading, my favorite tattoos to do are skulls. It's kind of hard to believe that I am a pretty simple guy, I think I look normal! But don't take my word for it, take a look for yourself. Enjoy, there is lots to look at and stories behind each and every one of them.

Jon's Pieces

Amanda's Masterpiece ~ Best F#$KN tattoo on Jon's body
18 years old ~ 12 hours work, sleeping
Peace Y'al ~ Piercings & Tatts
No Pain ~ More piercings & tatts
Showin some leg ~ Collage
How would you like to bring him home to Mom? *smiles*
Holey Hole ~ Tatt'd & Peirced ears
More Holes
Wizzard cover-ups ~ left leg
Right leg ~ Homemade dragon, cover up warlock
Pin-up girls