Notable Godless Races
Here are some intersting godless races of the world. These are all still treated as animals.
Name: [not available]
Common name: Rune Dragon
Location: Sparse forests or around such forests.
Description: Rune Dragons are not dragons at all. They are actually slightly canine in apearance, though only very faintly. Their name comes from their strenght and ferocity in battle. Rune Dragons have intricate designs that trail across their body, hence the name "Rune" Dragon. Their tough hide is considered beautiful by most making their hide extremely valuble for decoratory purposes. The hide is also often used for armor on rich fighters.
The "runes" on a Rune Dragon are used to lure prey to the creature. These creatures are vicious in battles and kill most who try to fight them. The "runes" are more intricate around vital areas which discourages hunters from attacking them there for fear of ruining the hide. Much like tigers, every Rune Dragon's runes are different. A common feature is a fake eye and strange markings around claws and fangs. These are to confuse the enemy as much as possible.
Also, Rune Dragons' tails split at the end. Their age can be determined by seeing the amount of times it splits. Each tip has a claw at the end. Adults generally have five.
Rune Dragons hides are very adaptable. When a 'dragon' is injured, young, pregnant, or otherwise unable to properly fight, the 'runes' fade and their hide looses it's luster. Often when a group is overhunted the runes die down for generations and the creatures hunt other animals rather than whatever might normally hunt them. This usually is enough time for the hunters to lose their touch and stop being able to hunt as well.
Technically, there are a lot more creatures to be listed. My scanner doesn't work and I don't feel like writing any more, though, so I'll just stop here.
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