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Nothing in specific

(too lazy for pics right now, maybe later)

I've only really played Tenchu 3 (Wrath of Heaven) and the very beginning of 2 (Birth of the Stealth Assassins), but so far, I've really enjoyed the series. I'll be referring to Wrath of Heaven when talking since I'm most familiar with it.

Really fun stealth game. Like Thief, you have to be quick, quiet, and deadly. The setting is medieval Japan. You get to choose between two ninja: Rikimaru (sober more traditional male, grey hair), and Ayame (fiery two sword wielding female). The story for the two is similar but at the same time dramatically changed.

Main likes: Some 2 player action, likable characters, above average gameplay.

Main qualms: Preeetty bad AI, bottomless pits are a ninja's worst enemy is a really good site for it.

Current Obsession while I write: Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
Ok, I'll try to not give away spoilers. This game is good stuff. First off, graphics are beautiful. Some may argue that the similar colors tend to blur together and detract from the game. Personally, I like it. I love finding enemies and animals just from noticing the blades of grass shift. The subtle contrasts help me focus on the game, urging me to be more alert and attentive. At the same time it never really forces you to fine hard to see things. It's just fun to find them.

Also about graphics: The characters are amazing. The details just in Snake's eye baffle me. People move naturally and constantly - I rarely feel that someone is Just Polygons, but rather a living entity. Also, the graphics in cutscenes are the same as out as far as I can tell, and camouflage equipped out is transfered in.

Storyline wise, a bit cliche but still fun. Might be a slight spoilers, but the game is a prequel - occurring during the cold war. I love how the younger versions of characters are portrayed. Also, the story is a big less confusing in my opinion.
Can't really say much without giving stuff away...

The gameplay is great as long as you like MGS gameplay. I think it's better than 2 but I haven't played in a while. The camo, eating, and curing don't really detract that much. I've gone through the game without even changing camo. Food is readily apparent and not really a problem, but curing can be bothersome. Theoretically I should just not get shot as often, but dealing with bullet wounds so often can get tedious.

Finally, there are a lot of fun secrets and jokes in the game. The minigame "Snake vs. Monkey" amuses me to no end though I don't even really like playing it.

Main likes: Getting food is fun, storyline, animation quality

Main qualms: Get shot too often, takes a butt load of time to lose Caution

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