cwave04 at yahoo dot com |
Some tutorials
In this page links are provided to some tutorials that I have written from
time to time. The internet is a great place to learn from, and I can
hardly overemphasize the great deal of help that I have taken from the web
while learning various computer related things. Impressed by the diversity
of the topics on which online tutorials are available, I thought to add a
few of my own.
List of topics
- Finite automata : Out of all the
computer-stuffs that I know, there are not too many things that can
vie with the finite automata in terms of usefulness or brilliance of
the idea. Finite automata seem to be omnipresent in computer
science. Ever since I learned this topic it has always remained a
great source of enjoyment to me. I have provided some interactive
things in this tutorial.
- Making your own computer language (Part 1|Part 2) : Compiler
construction is often
considered to be a very difficult topic. If we want to make
VERY efficient compiler for a VERY complicated language, then
such a
belief is justified. But there is a lot to enjoy in designing
(yet useful) languages. This tutorial assumes that the reader is
familiar with simple regular expressions, C programming, and
has access to
tools like FLEX, YACC or BISON. BISON and FLEX are freely
available with some operating systems (eg, linux, Mac OS X),
and also
from the gnu site. The tutorial
will tell you how to use these tools.
- A note on making solenoids: I had
to make a solenoid once as a hobbyist. I needed some simple guidelines to
make the "best" solenoid I could within limited resources. While the
textbooks abounded with complicated formulae, none seemed to offer
practical guidelines. Here are I have jotted down a few guidelines that I
have eventually gathered from experience.
- Making
microcontroller programmers: Here I discuss how to make a
hardware programmer for the Atmel microcontrollers
AT89S51,AT89S52. The same principle also applies for ATMEGA8515.
- Miscellaneous: Some incomplete tutorials on
diverse topics.