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Information flow
We have mentioned that parsing effectively extracts the
information present in a program, and presents it in a different
(more easily digestable) form. In all practical situations this
means filling in some global data structures. The information
contained in the original program is naturally divided into two
- the information in the sequencing of tokens
- the information in the lexemes
The following AdvLang program, for example,
DESCRIPTION "You are in front of a house"
NORTH forest
SOUTH hill
becomes the following list of tokens after lexical analysis
tok_LOCN tok_IDENT
tok_DIRN tok_IDENT
tok_DIRN tok_IDENT
From just the sequence of tokens we can gather that there is one
location with two exits. The exact name, description and the
exits are not avaialable from the tokens. Those come from the
While parsing we construct a parse tree. The structure of the
tree itself gives us the information contained in the tokens,
while the information from the lexemes are associated with the
leaf nodes. These sundry pieces of information are to be "pumped
up" the tree and gradually fed into the global structures.
The structure of the tree dictates which piece should fit where
in the global structures. Consider the rule
locSpec : tok_LOCN tok_IDENT
When we encounter this rule we already have the global structures
partially filled up. In particular, we know how many locations we
have already encountered. If this number is n, then the
current location is being stored in locList[n] (the
earlier ones already occupying postions 0
to n-1). So we know that the lexeme associated with the
token tok_IDENT must be stored in the variable
locList[n].id . So we summarily dispatch the lexeme
to this variable by associating the following action with this
locSpec : tok_LOCN tok_IDENT
{locList[n].name = $2;}
[Incidentally, this is slightly different from what we had done
originally in our AdvLang example, because there we were also
converting the name into a number. But the difference does not
change the main point being discussed here.]
This is an example where we could send the information directly
from a leaf node to the global structures. However, this is not
always possible as we see in the next example.
| Example:
Consider a language that allows expressions made by adding and
multiplying numbers like
1 + 2 * 3 + 6 * 4 * 5
The compiler is required to evaluate such expressions keeping
precedence in mind (i.e., multiplications should be
done before additions). One possible grammar is
1) expr : prod
2) expr : expr PLUS prod
3) prod : N
4) prod : prod TIMES N
Since the final answer is going to be just a number, all the
global structure that we shall need here is a single variable to
store that number. Let us think about the action that we should
associate with rule 3. We have a single token in the r.h.s., the
lexeme for which is a number. Is there any way for us to
know at this stage how this number is going to contribute
the end result? No! Its contribution to the final answer will
depend on the other numbers (some of which we have not even read
before coming to this rule)! In such a situation we have no
option but to store the number in some temporary location to be
retrieved later. Bison provides a simple mechanism to do this. It
allows us to attach a variable with each nonterminal. The
variable can be of any data type we want (and hence if we want to
associate many variables to a single nonterminal we can simply
pack them into a single structure). This is done in exactly the
same way as attaching lexemes to tokens. However, in the context
of nonterminals, we use the
term attribute instead of lexeme. Before taking a look at
how this is done in a Bison file we shall first see how the
attributes help information flow up the parse tree.
It should not be too difficult to see how the information is
"pumped" up the tree. The numbers in the parantheses are the
temporary values associated with the nodes. The blue number are
are the lexemes (extracted from the input), the red one the
attributes (computed stepwise starting from the lexemes).
Here the final answer is stored in the attribute corresponding to
the highest node in the tree. It is only this number that needs
to be stored in the global variable. Now we shall see how to
achieve this using actions in a Bison file.
First we need to tell Bison that we want to associate attributes
to the non terminals. In our simple example all the attributes
are just numbers (say integers).
%union {
int val;
%token <val> N
%type <val> expr prod
In fact, Bison provides an easier alternative for such simple
situations where all the attributes and lexemes are of the same
type. However, we do not discuss that alternative here, since
in all but trivial cases we need attributes of different types
for different nonterminals.
Next we add the actions.
expr : prod
$$ = $1;
expr : expr PLUS prod
$$ = $1 + $3;
prod : N
$$ = $1;
prod : prod TIMES N
$$ = $1 * $3;
This is much like what we have already seen in the AdvLang
example, except for the new
symbol $$ . It stands for the
attribute of the l.h.s. Also, recall that $ i
stands for the attribute/lexeme associated with the i-th
symbol (nonterminal/token) in the r.h.s.
There is just one little thing that needs fixing here. Notice
that none of the actions modify the global variable. Yet we must put
the final value in the global variable! We have already learned
the trick to do this: use synonymous nonterminals
as in the first rule below:
finalExpr : expr
globalAns = $1;
expr : prod
$$ = $1;
expr : expr PLUS prod
$$ = $1 + $3;
prod : N
$$ = $1;
prod : prod TIMES N
$$ = $1 * $3;
What is the attribute of the new nonterminal finalExpr?
Well, it does not need an attribute, because when we come to the
first rule (which, by the way, happens at the very last step) we
already know the final answer. So we simply put that in the
global variable (which we have called globalAns in
this example). No more "pumping up" is needed at this point, so
no attribute is needed for finalExpr.