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Creating Links

The Font Tag | Heading Tags | Other Formatting Tags | Ordered Lists | Unordered Lists | Definition Lists | The DIV Tag
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The Font Tag

The font tag has three attributes: size (1-smallest and 7-largest), face (as available to the visitor), and color (stated in hexadecimal code). Here's a demo:

Red, Arial, 1
Green, Arial Black, 2
Blue, Book Antiqua, 3
Purple, Bookman Old Style, 4
Orange, Comic Sans MS, 5
Grey, Courier New, 6
Maroon, Garamond, 7

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Heading Tags

The heading tag ranges in sizes from 1-largest to 6-smallest. Here's a demo:

H1 aligned at left.

H2 aligned at center.

H3 aligned at right.

H4 aligned at left.

H5 aligned at center.

H6 aligned at right.

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Other Formatting Tags

Other formatting options are available as follows:

Italicized text
Bold text
Typewriter text
Big text
Small text
Subscripted text such as H2O
Superscripted text such as 254
Text that has been striken
Text that blinks

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Ordered Lists

Ordered lists are items that are listed in sequence using alpha or numeric characters and may be nested inside each other as follows:

  1. Lesson 1
    1. PowerPoint Slides
    2. Assignment Sheets
  2. Lesson 2
    1. PowerPoint Slides
    2. Assignment Sheets
  3. Lesson 3
    1. PowerPoint Slides
    2. Assignment Sheets
  4. Lesson 4
    1. PowerPoint Slides
    2. Assignment Sheets

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Unordered Lists

Unordered lists are items that are not listed in sequence but with a graphical icon and may be nested inside each other as follows:

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Definition Lists

Definition lists are good for displaying items in a term/definition format, for example:

Begins an HTML document and encloses the entire page.
Encloses the head section of an HTML document.
Encloses the body of an HTML document.

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The DIV Tag

The division tag is used to align a large block of text which may include multiple paragraphs, for example:

The mere pushing of knowledge into the heads of people
without providing a medium through the heands for its use
is not always wise--Booker T. Washington

Try to remember that everybody, including yourself,
has only his own experience to think with--Rudolf Flesch

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