13- (3)
AK: San Francisco 8- (--)
Breakfall 13- (3)
Bugging 13- (3)
Climbing 13- (3)
Combat Driving 13- (3)
Combat Pilot 13- (3)
Combat Sense 13- (3)
Computer Programming 13- (3)
Concealment 13- (3)
Contortionist 13- (3)
Disguise 13- (3)
Doublejointed (3)
Elemental Control (9/4)
-Armor 6ED IIF, Ablative (9/2)
-Armor 9PD IIF, Ablative (15/4)
-HA 3d6 (9/4)
-Running +5~
-Swinging 9" OAF (9/2)
Find Weakness 11- (10)
Linguist (3)
-Chinese, native (--)
-English, no accent (3)
-French, fluent w/accent (1)
-Russian, fluent conversation (1)
-Spanish, fluent w/accent (1)
Lockpicking 13- (3)
Martial Arts:
Chinese Knight Package Deal: Kung Fu White Crane Style
-Martial Dodge + 5dcv (4)
-Martial Punch 0/+2 (9d6) (4)
-Nerve Strike -1/+1(4d6nnd) (4)
Perk License to wreak havok (5)
PS.' Secret Agent 11- (--)
Resistance +3 (3)
Security Systems 13- (3)
Shadowing 11- (3)
Skill Levels: 3 MA (9)
Levels: 5 Overall (50)
Stealth 13- (3)
Streetwise 13- (3)
TF: Air Vehicle (2)
TF: Ground Vehicles (1)
TF: Parachute (1)
TF: Scuba (1)
TF: Water Vehicles (2)
WF: Small arms (2)
-Normal Human Characteristic Maxima (20)
-Distinctive Looks: Chinese, not concealable, notice (15)
-Hunted by the Tong, as powerful, xnci, kill, 8- (15)
-Hunted by
the Advocate, as powerful, xnci, kill, 8- (15)
by 'the Company’, as powerful, xnci, 11- (10)
-Psychological Limitation: Addicted to cocaine, c, str (15)
Lim: Strives to adhere to Shih Code of Honor (15)
Jade, competent 8- (5)
-Secret Identity (15)
_Psychological Limitation: In love with Jade (15)
-DNPC: Aunt and kid brother, incompetent, 8- (10)