Mark... ok fine I decided a long time ago that if you ever said something along that line I would tell you. My real name is Alison Mary Gray. I live on 9126 shadystone, and go to O'connor high, in the 11th grade, and I am 16. All along I had told you the truth about everything, I promised I would never lie, exept about my name. You want to know why? Because a LONG while back, remember the guy I said I cybered? He found me and started calling me with threat calls, we had to change our number and everything, and I was in a LOT of trouble, but eventually they said I could get back online, but to go by the name in which were my first words and has been what I had decided to change my name to ever since I can remember, Lai. Its my real name, or so I feel. I go by it everywhere exept at home because my mom won’t stand for it. Even Brad calls me Lai, and as soon as I move in with him he promised to take me to get it changed to Lai Alliy Yarg. They LAY wasn’t meant really, Yarg spelled gray wasn’t either. It was all by accident, its been like that since I was in 2nd grade or so, I used it on my papers at school and everywhere I went, Alliy because my family insisted, and I don’t mind. My real name haunts me… the name my mom gave me, I would rather die then have it. Lai was my first words, my nick, and its my name, I don’t care what a stupid birth certificite says. You know how much I wished to tell you this??? I cried at night over it, everytime you asked I bit my lip, so bad it even split once, I swear it. I wanted to tell you so bad, but I was so scared you would hate me, and never trust me again, all because of my stupid stupid name! … if you hate me now, that is your choice, and I don’t blame you… and I am sorry, more then you will ever know I am. I hope you can forgive me. If not then I understand… but a name is only a label, my real name is and one day will be by papers, Lai Alliy Yarg. Please forgive me… I hate myself sooo much…
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