Willow's mouth went dry. She ran her tongue over her lips and spoke, "Pardon?"
Josh smiled at her, "The White House is interested in hiring you as a speech writer. I'm here to interview you to make sure your fit for the job, and not, you know, crazy or anything."
"How....how do you even know who I am. I mean, why would you want to hire me?" Willow asked.
Josh turned to his assistant, "Donna, do you have the article?"
Donna rolled her eyes, "Of course I have the article Josh, you 'reminded' me about it like 10 times."
"Just give it to me, okay?" His sounded annoyed, but there was a level of humor to his tone as well.
Donna fished the newspaper out of her bag, and handed it to her boss, who in turn handed it to Willow. Willow looked at it, recognition coming immediately.
"Hey, this is my article!"
"And a very impressive article it is. It was given to Bruno Gianelli, who brought it to the attention of some other members of the senior staff. We're all very impressed by you Willow. We'd like you to be a speech writer for us."
Just then the doorbell rang. Willow jumped about 3 feet into the air, startled.
"That's probably the pizza," Dawn said.
Willow nodded, numbly. "Would you take care of it, Dawnie?" She pulled out her wallet and handed the teen some money.
"Sure," Dawn agreed easily and left the living room.
Willow still really didn't know what to say. She couldn't believe this. Working at the White House as a speechwriter had been her dream job ever since she had taken her first political science course. And to work in the Bartlet administration would be amazing. She loved President Bartlet, and had written many articles and papers supporting his policies.
Then reality struck her. Sure, Sunnydale had been rather quiet lately, but could she really leave? Could she abandon her friends like that? What would happen if there were some demon emergencies?
"I...Ó Willow began, paused, and then started again, "I don't know if I could take the job.
I have a life here, and responsibilities. There are people that I need to talk to."
"Are you crazy?"
Willow turned to see that Dawn had returned to the room.
"Willow you can't just turn this down flat. It's your dream job! You have an opportunity to work at the White House, you have to take it."
"Dawn..." Willow began.
Josh cut her off, "Hey, I realize this is a big shock. I know it's a lot to think about, uprooting your life and all. But at least let me interview you. You don't want to let an opportunity like this pass you by. You'd regret it later. So let me ask you some questions. Hey, you might not turn out to be suited for the job anyway."
Donna looked at her boss, and swatted him on the head, "She may not even be suited for the job anyway? Way to make the girl feel good about herself, Josh."
"Hey," Josh complained. "Can I please have some professionalism here?"
Willow smiled, "You're right. I'd be crazy to pass up the interview. So what questions do you have for me?"