Chapter 3
A Few Hours Later
Xander knocked on the door of the SummersÕ house and entered. ÒHello?Ó He called out, concerned. He stepped into the living room. Willow was sitting on the couch next to Dawn. Buffy sat in one of the armchairs.
ÒHey, Xander.Ó WillowÕs voice was soft. ÒGiles in making tea, once heÕs done, and Anya shows up weÕll start.Ó
ÒWhatÕs this meeting about anyway?Ó Xander asked.
ÒWillow and Dawn arenÕt saying.Ó Buffy complained.
ÒI want to tell everyone at once,Ó Willow said.
Just then the door opened again, and Anya entered followed by Spike.
ÒWhatÕs Fangless doing here?Ó Xander asked.
Willow rolled her eyes at him. ÒI asked Spike to come, Xan. HeÕs my friend, well sort of, and I want him to be here. It concerns all of you.Ó
Spike grinned when he over heard the two. ÒYeah, IÕm here for RedÕs company, not yours geek-boy.Ó He snagged a seat on the couch beside Dawn. ÒSo you ever going tell us whatÕs going on?Ó
ÒI believe weÕre all here now.Ó Giles said as he entered with a tray of tea, which he set on the coffee table.
Willow looked around at all her friends, wondering how she was going to do this. She felt someone squeeze her hand, and she looked to see Dawn smiling reassuringly at her. She took a deep breath and began.
ÒA few hours ago Josh Lyman showed up looking me.Ó Seeing the blank expression on their faces, she explained, ÒHe works at the White House. HeÕs the Deputy Chief of Staff, actually. Anyway, heÉ. Well, he offered me a job.Ó
There was stunned silence for a moment.
ÒYou, were offered a job at the, uh, at the White House?Ó Giles stuttered.
Dawn nodded happily. ÒIsnÕt it cool? They want her to be a speechwriter. Josh gave her an interview right here. Apparently they somehow got some of the articles sheÕs written, and were really impressed. He offered her the job right on the spot. It was really cool.Ó
Spike grinned, ÒThatÕs right impressive, that is. So does this mean youÕll be leaving good old Sunnyhell?Ó
ÒWell, thatÕs actually why I wanted to talk to all of you. I mean, this job offer is amazing, butÉ.Ó She trailed off.
Xander spoke up. ÒHey, Willow. IÕd hate to see you leave. YouÕve been my best bud since forever. But there is no way in hell IÕd stand in the way of an opportunity like this.Ó
ÒYeah,Ó Buffy agreed. ÒI mean, god, weÕd all miss you terribly. But this is the White House. ItÕs your dream job.Ó
ÒBesides, the Hellmouth has been rather quiet lately. If there was ever some huge emergency, you could fly back to help us.Ó Giles looked at Willow. He couldnÕt believe that she was so grown up. The woman who sat before him now bore little resemblance to the girl who had first walked into his library years ago. He was proud of her. He was proud of all of them.
ÒDo you really think I should take it?Ó Willow asked.
ÒOf course you should. Why would you turn down an opportunity to make money?Ó Anya asked.
Willow rolled her eyes. ÒIt isnÕt a whole lot of money, but thatÕs not the point. IÕd be working at the White House. This could be the start of a really good career. IÕd be working on speeches for the president, and IÕd be making some pretty valuable connections to people in Washington. But I donÕt know if I can leave. Sunnydale has been my home for years. And besides, what am I going to do without you guys?Ó
Xander walked over and gave her a hug. ÒHey, like G-man said, they have airplanes. They also have phones. I promise to call everyday and tell you stupid jokes.Ó
Willow smiled gratefully, ÒI guess IÕm going to do it. I should call Mr. Lyman and tell him. He wanted an answer as soon as possible.Ó Willow took out the business card he had given her and stood up, walking into the kitchen. She entered the number into the phone, and waited anxiously.
ÒJosh Lyman,Ó the voice on the other end of the line answered.
ÒMr. Lyman, this is Willow Rosenberg. IÕm sorry to call so late, but you said youÕd be awake for a while.Ó
ÒItÕs not problem, Willow. What can I do for you?Ó
IÕve made up my mind. IÕd be
honored to work at the White House.
IÕll take the job.Ó